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An original collective story line around the DC Animated Uni

2 years ago - 366 likes

Happy New Year! We donā€™t really use this channel anymore, but just wanted to drop by and post this little message to wish you all the best for 2022! Also, since I did some people keep asking despite our many posts about it, yes, DC Abridged IS cancelled. Has been for a while now, and no, itā€™s not coming back. And neither are we doing any more abridging or videos of any kind. Everyone has pretty much went there separate wise to focus on their lives and/or careers.

I know that sucks for you guys, but it was always inevitable, and we kept it going for as long as it was possible for us. If you liked my writing for the show, all I can offer is that you follow me on Twitter to keep in touch with my new writing in comics and prose, as Iā€™m trying to focus on my original work now and build a career doing so. But thanks so much for all your support during the years, making this show really helped me develop my writing a lot and I cherish some of the good times we had doing it ^^

3 years ago - 273 likes

Wanted to share one more page from the script, revealing what would have been our coolest twist in the second half (aka the Flashpoint section), where Flash discovers that the Batman in this reality isnā€™t Thomas Wayne but Alfred. Yes, Alfred you stupid boys. We even discussed trying to give him the mustache through editint at one point lol.

3 years ago - 212 likes

Getting nostalgic reading the Finale script that couldnā€™t be (itā€™s still on Patreon if you wanna read it), and this moment in particular...I REALLY wanted to see it. I was so proud of it, as the culmination of our Supermanā€™s arc across 10 years as he finally reached his full redemption and achieved the understanding the normal Superman has as he made the ultimate sacrifice.

3 years ago - 150 likes

Since some people keep asking, no, we're not going to reupload any more videos here. We're moving on. That being said, neither are we taking them down ourselves. I might repurpose the channel at a later date for other projects if such a time comes, but we won't change it otherwise. Also, you can watch all the videos we did in full on the website, they're all posted there. Here's the link in case you didn't know it existed:

3 years ago - 92 likes

Happy #WonderWomanDay !!! Seems like a great opportunity to rewatch our WW Abridged movie! Still have so many good memories from making that one, and even if what we did was ultimately just fan-fiction, it was still a privilege to write for Diana it Themiscyra! ^^

3 years ago - 159 likes

Just out of curiosity, did anyone read the DC Abridged Finale script on the Patreon? Wanted to know if anyone liked it and would have been a good ending.

3 years ago - 269 likes

Hey everyone. Iā€™m afraid I have bad news. It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce that we wonā€™t be able to finish the Finale for DC Abridged. Our editor just quit the project, so weā€™re unable to see it through. I swear on my life I pushed for us to see this to the end, I wrote the best script I could and tried to get everyone to record their lines during this pandemic, but I canā€™t control everyone and their decisions. I truly and deeply apologize, all I can say is that I tried as hard as I could to make it so. I will post the script on the Patreon so you can at least see what it would have been like (link below), and hopefully at least reading it gives you a sense of closure. Itā€™s the best I can do under the circumstances. Thank you all for your support over the years, Iā€™m really sorry we couldnā€™t have ended on a strong note like we hoped, but will always remember all the good times and all the people who enjoyed our content. Thank you forever!ā€¦

3 years ago - 114 likes

Posted an update on things on the Patreon, which I wanna start transitioning into my personal one as a writer and comic creator, but will keep the name until we finished the finale, which is the priority right now. And yes, weā€™re still working on it. Donā€™t expect to see it anytime soon, as weā€™ve said, itā€™s big and will take a long time to edit. But it is being worked on. Still, I talk about where things go next for me, and added some teaser images of my new comic project after Santa Fae, which Iā€™m really excited about! Go check it out, and I hope if you liked my writing in DC Abridged, youā€™ll want to continue to support my work as I start branching out into my own projects! Thanks! ^^

4 years ago - 55 likes

I rarely see any reaction videos of DC Abridged, and even then, I usually don't watch them. It just feels weird lol, but stumbled into this one today and really got a kick out of seeing these 2 genuinely have fun and laugh at our stuff. Hope they do more ^^

4 years ago - 135 likes

Just 1 page left to end the Frontier-0 Origins comic! Although this really brings it to a close as Astor receives a gift from each of his new crew mates! ^^