in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Bonjour à tous, Ci-joint le modèle financier type des projets d'investissements des énergies renouvelables, télécharger le. Vous en aurez besoin pour suivre la prochaine vidéo sur la modélisation financière.
Pour apprendre et maîtriser les différents concepts il faudra suivre pas à pas toutes les étapes de la vidéo et les mettre en œuvre.
Téléchargez le fichier Excel ici : […]
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This Youtube channel is accessible to all young Africans with at least the final level of high school / A-levels / or Baccalaureat (all series), or first years of university; and to professionals (employees, workers, technicians and engineers) who wish to acquire skills and qualifications in consulting, technical and financial feasibility studies for energy projects (Renewable energies: solar, biomass, wind, etc.). At the end of the free training that you will receive on this channel and on the associated website, you will be able to set up off-grid electricity businesses, productive use of energy businesses (irrigation, solar pumps, farm water supply, etc.) and also work as an international consultant for the European Union, the USA or consulting companies, as well as Ministries of Energy, General Directorates of Energy, and Rural Electrification Agencies, with all the skills and qualifications required to successfully complete your mission without the help of foreign consultants.