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Chan Lie Haay

33K subscribers - no pronouns :c

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Potongan hampir setengahnya brooo #shorts #gocar #taxol #masgibran #presiden murai gacor dorrrr | Kicauan Burung Murai Batu @ChanLieHaay Calon Istimewa | Kenari Paud Preospek #shorts Si Pocong Lagi Mandi | Burung Kenari Mandi Zunub #short Burung Kenari Paud Berkicau | Ciri riwikan paud jantan #shorts kicauan burung kenari isian mewah #shots Masteran Burung Kenari | Pancingan Kenari #shots Menyemai biji pete | menanam buah pete #shots The bottle green canary chirps | Canary masteran #shots White canary birds chirping | master canary #shots Baby canary leaves the nest | Beginner canary farming #shots Chirping of garden birds | Goldfinches chirped #shots Sholawat Allahul Kafi #shot New canary baby can eat alone | beginner canary livestock #shots Young canaries diligently cringe | 2 month old canary #shots Canary breeding | Canaries mating #shots Canary baby aged 25 days | Time to harvest #shots Canary baby aged 24 days | Have learned to eat alone #shots Canary baby aged 23 days | The body is absolutely fantastic #shorts Canary baby aged 22 days | Learn to eat alone #shots Canary baby aged 21 days | Already able to perch #shots Canary baby aged 20 days | it's almost perfect #shots Already Out of the Nest | Canary Child 19 days old #shots Canary chicks aged 18 days | Already about to fly #shots Canary baby aged 17 days | His fur is getting thicker and prettier #shots Canary chicks aged 16 days | beginner canary livestock #shots Canary chicks aged 15 days | Beginner canary farming #shots The fur is almost perfect | 14 day old canary baby #shots #birds #canaries #birds Canary baby aged 13 days | The mother is still moaning #shots The fur color is beautiful | 12 day old canary baby #shots Beginner canary breeder | 7 day old canary baby #shots 11 day old canary | Candidate with plain yellow fur #shots Hair has started to grow | 10 day old canary baby #shots Canary baby 9 days old | beginner canary livestock #shots Canary baby 7 days old | Beginner canary breeder #shots Canary baby 6 days old | beginner canary livestock #shots Five day old canary chicks | beginner kebari livestock #shots Sri Rejeki Ornamental Plants | Aglonema Snow White #shots Four day old canary baby | beginner canary livestock #shots Three day old canary baby | beginner canary livestock #shots Canary chick 2 days old | beginner canary livestock #shots Newly hatched canary chicks | beginner canary livestock #shots Baby Canaries || 4 Day Old Walnut Cindilan #shots Aglonema Ornamental Plant || Aglonema Lipstick #shots Jumbo Arowana Ornamental Fish || The colors are beautiful #shots Baby Canaries || Walnut Ring || Canary farming #shots Scoopy rear tire stuck | automatic motorbike problems #shots Fish and Eel Harpoon || Typical Lampung Culinary #shots