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The Distorted Theorists

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The Distorted Theorists
1 day ago - 9 likes

The love we've received for this reaction was emotional. Thank you all who subscribed!! #captainamericabravenewowrld #marvel #deadpoolandwolverine

The Distorted Theorists
3 days ago - 6 likes

Hey everyone, as you know, the Captain America trailer dropped today instead of yesterday, so our reaction will be dropping in 2 hrs!!!!

Make sure you hit that SUBSCRIBE and the bell so you don't miss when the video drops!!


The Distorted Theorists
6 days ago - 34 likes

A look at reactions coming soon!!

Agatha All Along - Tonight (around 10:45pm NST) #agathaallalong
Gladiator 2 - Tonight (around 1:30am NST) #gladiator2
Captain America: Brave New World - Tomorrow Night (around 10:45pm NST) #captainamericabravenewworld


The Distorted Theorists
6 days ago - 38 likes


I made it ya'll. The chronological end of the X-Men franchise as we head into the much anticipated #deadpoolandwolverine film in just 2 short weeks. There is so much to unpack here, that I just wanna dive right into explaining this masterpiece.

Can we take a quick second to give Dafne Keen a standing ovation. They literally could have called this film "Laura" and I would've been just as proud. Imagine this film being your acting debut, and after having someone like me watch it, feel like Hugh Jackman was YOUR supporting role. Well done, girl.

What I also loved is how this film was so much more story than the rest, and the mutant aspect came well secondary, and in some cases, tertiary. THIS is how you tell multiple stories at once on screen without jeopardizing the integrity of the others, all while culminating to a perfect swan song ending. Seeing how James Mangold meticulously weaves the tale of the reluctant hero (Logan), the ushering of a new generation of hero (Laura), and the fall of heroes (Xavier and the X-Men), all while also providing the emotional stakes of the dangerous Transigen experiments, was master-class. Nothing was sacrificed for the sake of another, and THAT'S how you do it ladies and gentleman.

Seeing Hugh Jackman really lean in and flex his acting muscles is something to cherish here as well. Yes, donning those adamantium claws will forever be HIS legacy, but my god does this man ever drip of talent. There's a reason he can go from mutilating mutant, to Broadway star in a moments notice. Allowing him to embrace the "R" in this film's rating was a perfect conclusion the character we've known and love.

At it's end, we mourn. Not just for Logan, but for an era. For Fox. For the X-Men. For Cinema. But remember, just because someone loses their path, doesn't mean they're lost forever.
There's a world of endless possibilities and infinite outcomes out there, with countless choices that define our fate. Every choice & every moment is a ripple in time. Cause enough ripple, and you change the tide... for the future is never truly set. #deadpoolandwolverine

REVIEW: 9.5/10

The Distorted Theorists
1 week ago - 16 likes


I bet someone thought they had a great idea when they pitched this film at the company round table, but I bet they soon found themselves unemployed shortly thereafter. This was only my second ever watch of this film, and the fact that I couldn't remember anything about it going in should of been the first indicator of what I was in for. But... let's talk about it.

I remember the whole concept for this film when it was about to launch was a superhero horror flick. And now re-watching it, I guess they hit their mark there, but to me it came across as dripping with teenage coming of age sappiness. Fox had built such a gritty X-Men universe that this film now just feels totally out of place in the franchise.

At first glance you'd think the ensemble cast would make this movie a hit no matter what, but it seems trying to capture lightning in a bottle of stardom from other projects didn't quite sit right. While casting Game of Thrones and Stranger Things alumni might have sounded dope on paper, their acting here to the characters they were cast in felt sub par at best. Which, to be fair, we almost needed these stars to carry the lesser knowns on screen.

You may have noticed above, though, that I omitted Anna Taylor Joy. And that is simply because, she was the best damn thing about this film, hands down. Not only is she an amazing actress in her own right, her portrayal of Magik hit all the beats needed to at least give us some fluent action sequences. Even her one liners, as forced as they may have been scripted, still gave me a slight chill before she rushed into her battles. If X-Men brought her character over for future projects id be oh so happy!

As the credits rolled, I felt very unenthused, and really wished they didn't taint the franchise with a film that ... let's be honest, nobody asked for. Maybe next time, folks.

REVIEW: 4.5/10

#deadpoolandwolverine #thenewmutants

The Distorted Theorists
1 week ago - 81 likes


As I creep more into the Deadpool franchise with this film, unfortunately there are some glaring negatives that I must start with, although that doesn't necessarily mean this film is "terrible". I just think that, somewhere along the line, they lost their way.

Now that I think about it, neither of these Deadpool movies really have a true point. I get that this was always meant to be an R rated comedy featuring superheroes, but at what point do we get story and character progression? When do we get integration into a larger narrative. Seemingly, we don't. The theme of family is made clear and holds true, but again, what this movie truly misses is stakes. Stakes can make or break a movie, and by killing Vanessa so early in the film, I feel stakes we stripped away. And I don't count Cables family as stakes... as... this movie never really made me care about them and their future.

A lackluster ensemble of characters, a bad casting choice (personal opinion) for Cable, and again, a villain that didn't do much for me. And don't get me started on the CGI Juggernaut, a villain we've all frothed at the mouth to see done right since X3, but again, got the shaft.

I will say, I did enjoy the comedy more in this film than the first, and some of the big action sequences made this film feel a hell of a lot more like a super hero film for sure. And, looking back, I liked that this film at least felt cinematic with a linear storyline, as opposed to it's predecessor which seemed to just focus more on pushing the envelope.

However, with #DeadpoolAndWolverine in it's future, and now having seen all its trailers, there are so many subtle nuances to Deadpool & Wolverine in this film that they obviously related post-film. And seeing Deadpool shenanigan the timeline now makes me giddy wondering how bad he truly messed up, and what will the TVA do to him because of it. We are less then 3 weeks out ladies and gentleman ... Lets F*@king Go!

REVIEW: 7.5/10

The Distorted Theorists
1 week ago - 73 likes


Well well well, here we are. I've finally advanced chronologically to the reason we're all here. Deadpool. After this little guy made his debut, the flood gates of what was possible in a Marvel movie flung wide open, with Ryan Reynolds advocating for a passion project he had no idea would be a success. But boy was it ever. And here we are, 8 years later, on the heels of #deadpoolandwolverine !!

Seeing Deadpool come to life again reminded me why we fell in love with this character. Not only does Ryan bring an invigorating and personally invested energy on screen, but he hits all the comedic beats like only he can. When channeling the inner merc with a mouth, every punchline in this films feels like improv (my favorite kind of comedy) and maybe it was in some instances. And while sometimes the jokes came a little to fast and furious, it still kept you gasping while thinking "Who let him get away with this!"

One of the greatest things about this film compared to all the others before it, is the hand to hand combat. God do I love a good choreographed fight scene. The Russo brothers have mastered this in the Avengers films and Civil War, so to see it play out by a different director between super human foes was a delight in itself.

One of the biggest qualms, however, I ever had with this film, and after my re-watch still holds true, is the villain. Ajax has to be THE most boring villain of all the super hero films. He... feels no pain... Cool? No thank you. If Deadpool can self-heal, I wanna see some badass mutant hit him with laser beams or some other form of projectile prowess. Not a hand axe. Next, please.

The campaign for this film, as it was released around Valentine's Day, was toted as a love story. And the chemistry between Wade and Vanessa held true to that aura. But in the end, it was the audience who fell in love. And I'll be the first to admit, I'm a part of that relationship!

REVIEW: 7.5/10

The Distorted Theorists
2 weeks ago - 54 likes


As I prepared to watch this film again, for the first and only time since I watched it's theatrical release, I found myself dwelling on the preconceived notion that it would be utterly terrible. It had been 5 years since I saw it last, and I honestly couldn't remember the plot well enough to understand why the internet and fan base alike absolutely tore this film to pieces after its release. And after watching it now, I'm more perplexed by their rage even further!

I honestly thought this film was dope upon my re-watch! As I write this review I find myself actually struggling to find a bad thing to say, so I'll highlight the good. I'll start with Hans Zimmer's subtle yet underlying score, that eerily plays every time Jean Grey is on screen. It compelled me deeper into the character and her emotions to be honest, which speaks volumes to me if a film's soundtrack can make me feel some type of way. The film's dialogue is concisely and believably delivered through each act, and once again the franchise managed to bring realism to the stake that The Phoenix COULD win if either of our heroes make a wrong move. As a viewer this keeps me guessing the outcome, instead of knowing mid-way through a film that our heroes are guaranteed to go home with the W. And by the end of this film, I don't think any of them truly do.

Dark Phoenix hit all the right beats in my opinion when it came to the cosmic effects and cinematography, and I found myself thoroughly enjoying every climactic scene involving telekinetic mutants throwing trains or crushing copters. Although, I spose a negative here is we didn't get too much mutant vs. mutant physicality which is always welcomed.

The only other negative thing I can throw into this review is the confusion as to why they didn't follow through with the comic accurate suits, when they done such a bang on job at the end of Apocalypse. I bit of a unnecessary swerve in the end. And down to the biggest scenes of this film, most of the mutants are all fighting in plain clothes, which did take away from the super hero genre I love, which the MCU does so well.

In conclusion, I say forget the naysayers. This film was head and shoulders better than X-Men: Apocalypse, and I think it deserves to wear the defining crown if this truly is the last we see of the First Class story arc.

REVIEW: 8.5/10

The Distorted Theorists
2 weeks ago - 51 likes


Off the heels of the masterpiece that was Days of Future Past, we only had to wait 2 years later to get Apocalypse but yet a storyline that leaped 10 years ahead for our characters. This creates the first problem for some of the characters we know and love as they hadn't aged barely a day, yet we were forced to believe they were in their 40s? ... But, whatever, it's cinema. I put it out of my mind.

After watching this again, I find it funny now how they titled it X-Men: Apocalypse, as I honestly found myself the most disinterested when he. or his story, was predominant onscreen. I don't know if it was the strange costume design or the casting design, or both. But with all due respect to Oscaar Isaac, I just don't think he was the best choice for such a powerful and terror enforcing role. I just couldn't get behind the character at all, and I honestly felt nothing of a threat level when compared to even more human villains like Trask or Stryker before him.

Where I also think this movie truly failed to get its legs, is the VERY quick introduction of some of the staple X-Men we've grown up with and love. Scott, Jean and Ororo should've been given a lot more time to flesh them out before thrusting them into a haphazard X-Men montage. I get it, the stakes were high for the team, but didn't they learn anything from throwing ill-prepared students into a war from First Class? I dunno. I just felt like we should've got better seed plantation for each one, give us a little time to grow feelings for these "humans" before their mutant prowess took over and we were ready to see them kick ass.

This film does get a pretty bad rep online amongst the X-Men community, but I will say it isn't terrible. From the start of the scene inside Cerebro where Xavier tells Alex to "wreak havoc" gave me a little chill again. Which, inadvertently, segues into what I consider to be perhaps the most iconic scene in all of the franchise when the mansion explodes and we get that AMAZING Quicksilver slow-mo sequence. Hilarious.

Between the fact that this film tries to force the theme of loss down our throats with multiple onscreen deaths, both human and mutant alike, and the apparent lack of bright color pallet in the cinematography, it was hard to get excited or emotional for most of what was going on. And as I have already stated, the scenes that thrived were those not even based around the titular villain, such as the heart racing rescue mission at a revisited Alkali Lake.

In the end, I think this film just hiccupped and missed it's mark, but ultimately, I feel a redemption for this one will come in the future of the MCU!

REVIEW: 7/10

#deadpoolandwolverine #xmen #xmenapocalypse

The Distorted Theorists
2 weeks ago - 27 likes

Hey @everyone

We need your help, and it will only take 5 seconds to do so.

Today marks the 365 day, 1 whole year, that we have tweeted Ryan Reynolds to no avail. We don't ask much of this world, but if you're reading this and could take a moment to go to your X/Twitter and retweet this Tweet of ours while also tagging Ryan Reynolds, we would be eternally grateful.

Thank you, and have a blessed day.