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By the Spirit of His Mouth, Thess.2

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Love God for sending Jesus, He will consume them(the wicked)

My cat Sunday Morning, found him on this rd. 10/19 he was little/Easy 🎶 Our weather man in Jackson TN./ Moe Shamell JESUS didn’t have to stop & think about it, bc He already knew. How? He is GOD. Unbreakable 🎶 My cat Sweet Darling wants to play ball but hims sleepy town/ My GOD is still the same 🎶 All power in heaven and earth has been given unto me~JESUS, Matthew 28:18/Man in the sky🎶 You all will return. The sons of Joseph & the sons Jacob. The WORD says it many times.Zion 🎶 T H A N K F U L for JESUS! Quit relying on your limited power & rely on GODS unlimited Power thru JESUS.note to self Looking unto Jesus the author & finisher of our faith;.. Hebrews 12:2(THANKFUL) Jesus will destroy the Wicked with the brightness of his coming! 2 Thess. 2:8b Ride with me, Today is the day the LORD has made we will be glad & rejoice in it.Psalm 118:24 My cat Sweet Darling and I are thankful for every breath we take! I, I feel so alive🎶 Allow the little children to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven.~JESUS Dude busted my ice! Getting a view of numbers in a common sense perspective.(Lesson number 386 Chuck Missler) Wisdom is a principle thing, the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom /Proverbs Tennessee flooding (2/16/25) Huron Tennessee/ Forked Deer River-Middlefork branch LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion:rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.PS.110:2 Cat HAPPY love ya day! Education changes you, learn this: By 1 devil U R doomed by 1 JESUS U R MADE ALIVE! Gift from GOD! Thank you God! Congratulations President Trump! Thanks be to God for King JESUS and President Trump! 1/16/25(A winter dandelion! My cat Sweet Darling loves this snow.1/10/25 West Tennessee snowfall(1/10/25)/Cats playing. My cat Buddy3(sleeps so good!)& the song Zion! Hello everyone! Day 365/12•30•24 The Book Of Mysteries, The Two Shall Be One. Day 364/12•29•24 The Book Of Mysteries, Home. Day 363/12•28•24 The Book Of Mysteries, The Blessing With No End. How to get rest for your souls: remember his yoke is easy & his burden is light. Day 362/12•27•24 The Book Of Mysteries, The Time Of Knowing. Day 361/12•26•24 The Book Of Mysteries, The Mystery Of The Pluralities. Day 360/12•25•24 The Book Of Mysteries, The Land Beyond. Happy Christmas Eve ‘24 from us Cats(Sweet Darling) round here! Day 359/12•24•24 The Book Of Mysteries, The Seven Mysteries Of Your Life. Day 358/12•23•24 The Book Of Mysteries, The Pelen. Famous Chinese Buffet/Lexington, Tn. 12/22/24 Country Roads (West Tennessee) Lizard Lick Tennessee, Middlefork Road Day 357/12•22•24 The Book Of Mysteries, The Rebegetting. Them birds(cat food)getting some cat food. 12/21/24 Day 356/12•21•24 The Book Of Mysteries, Shemen. #1011 Day 355/12•20•24 The Book Of Mysteries, The Bride And Groom In The Marriage Chamber. #1010 My wife made the best coconut cake! My favorite! #1009 Sweet Darling my cat Hot child in the city(country)#1008 Day 354/12•19•24 The Book Of Mysteries, The Book Of Ages. #1007 One Minute Bible Class ~ 100 Prophecies fulfilled by JESUS. #1006 Day 353/12•18•24 The Book Of Mysteries, The Angelic Measuring Rod.#1005 My Grands & My cat, I can see galaxies in their eyes!