in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Not many people know this about me
But I used to be a BIG scaredy cat
I was scared to do anything and everything
Scared to go on roller coaster rides
Scared to speak to new people
Scared to make videos
Scared to start a business
I was afraid of everything
This meant that when I started my business, I was constantly failing to hit my goals
Procrastination, coping, overthinking, inaction
All of it
Now I solved this by the Grace of Allah SWT
So if you're a Muslim business owner and you want to get rid of that fear completely so you don't ever hold yourself back then watch the video below
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Look at my first ever thumbnail.
Its bad.
But I had to start off being bad to get good.
Same goes for you.
Your offer, niche, service delivery, coaching and everything in between.
It will be bad at the start...
But if you decide to give up then it will stay bad forever.
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Entrepreneurs die for two reasons:
- they fall out of love with their business and give up
- they fall out of love with themselves and give up
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The #1 Reason You Are Broke
Most Muslim entrepreneurs feel guilt around money.
They feel guilty charging a premium.
They feel guilty that they even get to make money.
Little do you know that money is infinite.
It is literally infinite.
It never runs out.
Imagine going to the ocean and you see two people.
One person brings a HUGE truck and a way to extract the water from the ocean.
Then you see some other guy with a small bucket.
Which one is greedy?
Is the guy who brings the small bucket more righteous? Because he's leaving ocean water for other people?
There is no greed or morality, because the ocean is infinite!
Even if the guy with the truck takes 10000000000000 litres, there's still 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 litres in the ocean.
So many of you pull back your punches.
Oh what if they can't afford it.
Oh but $1 million that's a lot, surely other people deserve it.
I can't have too much money because it will corrupt me.
What even is too much money if it is infinite??
Step back. Realise your parents and other people lied to you about making money.
They had their own limiting beliefs that has been passed down onto you.
If somebody has $100 in their bank account.
Sell them.
If someone has $10,000 in their bank account.
Sell them.
Because your gain is nobody else's loss.
Money is infinite and everyone can go out and make more money. If they made money they can go make more!
Your sole purpose as an entrepreneur is to make money.
If you believe that conflicts with being a Muslim then you are wrong.
When you provide value to the market place, you get assigned a price tag.
You can negotiate that price tag to be whatever you want it to be.
Money is infinite, ask for any amount you like, provide value, sell and become rich.
Rich people aren't evil, the media says so because it means the government can rally poor people to vote for them so that they can tax the rich and therefore the government make more money.
Barely any of that money goes to the needy.
Money never goes to the needy.
It goes to those who demand it.
Who do you want to be in this life?
The one who holds Allah in his heart, serves Him and works hard to create value for others and gets paid in return?
Or are you happy to just sit there in your guilt of making money?
It's your choice, I know which one I've made.
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Alhamduallah we've reached 50k subscribers :)
I know a lot of you are new and maybe don't know much about me.
You can ask any question regarding; business and mindset (and maybe a few about myself).
And I'll answer as much as I can in a video in sha Allah.
Jazakumallah al khair.
I am truly blessed to have you all.
In sha Allah will film the video on the 29th so get your questions in before then :)
363 - 40
Why you should be awake in the morning (early):
"Four things that stop the Rizq (sustenance): sleeping in the morning”:
it was narrated from 'Uthman ibn 'Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
that he said: “Sleeping in the morning prevents some provision.”
That's reason #1, you're blocking your Rizq.
#2 - your days are dictated by how good your mornings are. Good days = good mornings. Good days = Good weeks. Good weeks = good months...
So basically your entire year is dictated by how good and productive your mornings are.
Just these 2 reasons should be enough.
But before you ask, well Fedi how can I wake up early.
Sleep earlier.
Literally just sleep earlier.
You can reset your intentions, make dua, and ask Allah to help you. But by sleeping later your whole biology is working against you.
You aren't disciplined enough to wake up even when you're lacking sleep.
If you were you wouldn't be reading this nor needing to know this.
Sleep earlier -> look at sunlight as soon as possible (even if you wake up while its dark it's beneficial to try and see sunlight as soon as it becomes light) -> cold shower -> work
361 - 9
There was a man who prayed for your forgiveness, long before you were born.
He would stand in prayer from dusk until dawn.
His blessed tears would soak his beautiful beard & the floor.
The Sahaba RA would ask 'Oh Beloved you are promised Jannah, why do you pray for so long?" His reply would be 'I pray for Allah to forgive my Ummah as I don't want them to suffer at all.'
Yet we forget the man who prayed for us more than our own parents do.
We forget his blessed Sunnah's & claim it's not obligatory on us!
We shave the beard off our face & are too busy to even send Durood!
Oh foolish ones, you don't see, embracing his Sunnah is only beneficial for you.
He doesn't need you, for he is, Allah's most Beloved one.
He is the nabi (SAW).
The most perfect of creation.
937 - 18
Today I want to give you some tips about overthinking
I used to be a huge over thinker,
scratching my head for months about how to outreach, what niche to pick, even what business to start,
What do I do... how do I do it? What are people going to say about me?
Am I going to fail? arghh
Reality is,
No one cared lol.
(Not my mum, dad, friends or family)
Literally, if you close your computer, I cease to exist (unless you think of me😉).
And I just realized that after making a few cold calls, that I should really just do stuff and stop thinking too much,
It may be your case too, you want to make money, you want to get in shape etc,
Stop trying to find the best business, or the best training, or to figure everything out in advance,
Just get started.
You'll be terrible, and that's okay
(actually, it's not "okay", it's NORMAL).
If everyone was good at everything they start,
Being "good" wouldn't mean anything
Just because others are better doesn't make you incapable either,
Shaytan thought that humans having a ruh suddenly made him worse so he got jealous
And if you're starting out, you have to be bad, you have to go through the struggle, so you know what is good and what is bad.
So really you should stop overthinking, and just understand
There is a path that is laid out, and the path is :
Get an idea about something you want to achieve and fix a goal (this is usually easy to figure out, it's just what you want)
Start it
See you suck (most people stop here)
Understand why you suck
Fix what makes you suck
Become good
That's about it, most people just stop too early
My best advice is just start, you'll figure it out on the go,
Put your trust in Allah,
Have Tawakkul,
And do the hard work right now, life becomes easier later.
Let's make the Ummah great again
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Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه narrates that Rasulullah ﷺ said,
“A strong believer is better and more beloved in the sight of Allah than a weak believer, [although], there is good in both.
Be eager to carry out [such deeds] that will benefit you, seek Allah’s assistance and do not become lax.
If something afflicts you, do not say ‘If only I had done such and such’:
you should say instead,
'Allah has decreed and He does as He wishes', for the word ‘law (لَو)’
[meaning: ‘if’] opens the way for Shaytan.”
_(Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 2664)_
There are two things that stuck with me:
The strong believer
The trust in Allah (tawakkul)
There have been times when I would be at £40 in my bank account having to choose between buying food for a week or a train back home to see my family.
Here's a photo of me back when that was a common stresser...
That's me on the far left.
Allah wants us to be strong, not just of the body but of the mind.
The way to achieve that? Discipline.
He also wants us to be reliant on him and keep moving forward without losing hope.
The way to achieve that? Faith.
Faith and discipline are the foundations of any success, but especially entrepreneurial success.
Sometimes it might feel like the whole world is against you, you're yet to sign a client or you feel like you're going nowhere.
Discipline can only be built with clarity habibi - so give yourself a goal and a way to achieve that goal.
Faith can only be built with constant reminders - so read the Quran, control your negative thoughts and believe in Allah's infinite power.
I hope I have served as a reminder to rely on Allah while building up your own strength.
In pursuit of making the Ummah great again,
P.S. If you want to build a halal agency that makes you $10k/mo so that you can retire your parents and have time for Allah reply to this post with "halal agency" and I'll walk you through how to build one for free :)
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The change in the Ummah starts with us; Muslim Entrepreneurs