Hi, I'm Tanya, an adult child of divorce bringing encouragement and information to other adult children of divorced or separated parents. If you're at a place in your life where you want to grow and move forward please stick around. I post regular YouTube shorts and longer videos to inform and inspire you as a child of divorced or separated parents.
I'm a writer and life coach. I'm Canadian married to a Scot and living in a culture that's not my own. Every day provides the chance to learn something new and gain perspective on life and the world.
Come hang out with me on Instagram @tanyalyonsauthor
* Adult children of divorce and the holidays webinar: tanyalyonsauthor.myflodesk.com/acodandtheholidayswā¦
* The first chapter of my book, Come Home Laughing: tanyalyonsauthor.myflodesk.com/comehomelaughingchaā¦
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