Founded by Dr. Yonatan Eiders (Nirdosh Kohra), Medical doctor graduated from Universidad Anahuac in Mexico (licence no. 4539837.
Bodhi Medicine is a science that teaches what the human body is saying with any symptom or disease, allowing them to understand themselves and become more conscious and caring for their own body, their health and the people around them. It helps people to come out of the fear-based concept of disease and reconnect with their intrinsic trust and understanding of how the body heals itself from any condition, when we give it the right support. BM is an integrative approach that looks for the root cause of any symptom or disease.
The BM workshops and trainings teach solid principles that are a great support for any health care practitioner, such as bodyworkers, energy workers, nutritionists, psychologists, meditation leaders, traditional allopathic doctors or for anyone interested in taking care of their body more consciously.
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