Hi soul family, I'm Ratna maurya (Certified Reiki healer, Relationship coach and meditation coach, )also I'm tarot cards reader )
( अगर मै आपकी जर्नी में किसी प्रकार की मदद कर सकूँ तो अपना सौभाग्य समझूंगी ) 555 Shakti totally divinely guided channel हैं & मै आप सभी दिव्य आत्माओ का स्वागत करती हूँ )
For personal guidance
contect me on whats app no.6387861936
Available sessions by me ❤️❤️👇 (on PH. call )
1 - Personal reading by tarot
2- Akashik record reading by maditation.
3- Subconscious healing (any kind of issues )
4- counseling & advice, discussion session
5- Innerwork group classes on zoom and
6-recorded classes too.
❤️Instagram and what's app group join kare, ❤️
Instagram link I'm on Instagram as @555shaktiwithratna. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=o3z0bs35spvg&…
what's app link
Teligram link