I received a warning from YouTube.
If it doesn't play, you can view it on Instagram or Blog :)
ex. HIstory3 那一天 & 圈套 ETC.
경고로 인하여, 2018년 4월27일 이후로 일부 동영상이 삭제 및 차단되었습니다.
Several videos has been deleted and blocked since April 27, 2018.
1. HIStory2 越界(Crossing the line, 월계) - 花絮:巨嬰隊長的屁股彈跳👶
2. HIStory2 越界(Crossing the line, 월계) - 花絮:越界拳王爭霸戰
3. HIStory2 越界(Crossing the line, 월계) - 花絮:少勳的小廚房&小教室 🍜
4. HIStory2 越界(Crossing the line, 월계) - 花絮:片場的各種打鬧藍
5. HIStory3 圈套 (Trapped, 함정 or 권투) - 預告:他是黑道,我是警察!
6. HIStory3 那一天 (나일천 Make Our Days Count) : 他們的故事從那一天開始 項顧CP.ver
7. We Best Love 永遠的第一名(영원적제일명, No1. For You) Teaser Trailer:形象篇 & 30s Trailer:No.1篇
8. HIStory4 近距離愛上你 (Close to you, 근거리애상니) - 花絮: 超前導預告拍攝花絮
9. 饞上你 (참상니, Craving You) Behind The Scenes Ep.1~Ep.4
10. 幸運的我們 (Lucky Us, 운이 좋은 우리) 劉卓軒 Hinry Lau (Ending Song of 《饞上你 참상니 Craving You》)”
11. 8秒 范成章 Cheng (Theme Song of BL Web Drama 《饞上你 참상니 Craving You》)
12.饞上你 (참상니, Craving You) Trailer Ep.1, Ep.3, Ep.5, Ep.10