Are you an Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, or Texas (ALOT) hiker who is looking to make the leap to overnight backpacking but aren’t sure where to start? Check out our links below. Here on the channel we discuss all things hiking from gear to trails to tips to safety. We enjoy the outdoors and want you to do the same.
In addition to Hike-ALOT, I am also co-owner of the Texas Survival School. I am a certified hiking guide with the American Hiking Guide Association & Northeast Mountain Guides as well as a hiking guide trainer for them, wilderness survival instructor with Texas Survival School, instructor for Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED and Wilderness First Aid for both the American Red Cross and the Emergency Care & Safety Institute, plus a Stop The Bleed instructor with up to date credentials in Leave No Trace, Swift Water Awareness, Avalanche Aware certified, Outdoor Ethics / Stewardship, and am a certified Bear Safety Resource.