In the search gold, the DIAMOND was lost! Likewise, in the debate of Science vs psedoscience we are loosing the ultimate curiosity of mankind i.e Metaphysics - The physics of physics, The philosophy of Creation and the exploration of meaning of Life. The best lessons of life are well explained in these stories of Sanatana Dharma. In the name of science and modernity, we have been ignorant towards the satva of it.. It's time that we culturally get back to our roots to understand the real purpose of Life!✨ 'Sanatana Kathana'✨ through its historical stories aims to logically explain them like nobody else could attempt so far! Not only children, elders but it aims to grab the attention of the YOUTH because these are the ones who have been misguided by the Mecauley system that calls Sanatana Dharma and its history as 'mythology'!