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Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 1 day ago

A very important message for us all. If you are serious about ministry, you will not skip this video. You will listen & consider what our brother said, by the Spirit, before he went to be with the LORD.

3 - 0

Posted 2 days ago

This is the most transparent administration we have ever had. We are being given (we the people who vote) access to oval meetings and press conferences on the daily, almost. Instead of being thankful that we are being told what’s going on (as much as they can, let’s be real), people still complain.

There are so many missing history in the making, because they can’t get over the past. Instead of being present in the moment, some will have to go back to read about this time in a book.


14 - 1

Posted 3 days ago

I really hope this doesn’t offend too many. People who play the “short attention span” excuse won’t ever stick around long enough to hear important messages, that may include warnings, which is tragic. The excuse, “they talk too long, they just need to get to the point”, will cause many to fall into delusion and deception. Why would you want someone to skip over important details? Don’t you understand that the person sharing information, as long as it may take, is doing so in order for you to have better understanding?

If this is you, like it was once me, train your flesh to stick around in order to hear, you will be thankful that you disciplined yourself to listen.

Be encouraged.

17 - 2

Posted 4 days ago

Tell us again, who were the “colonizers”? Hmmmm. I wonder.

3 - 0

Posted 4 days ago

Hard does not mean impossible, it’s just hard. To lean on His understanding means we trust His guidance.
Take heart.

15 - 2

Posted 4 days ago

Go with the strength you have.

13 - 0

Posted 5 days ago

Trust & Reverence.

This picture is taken from a Bible that I own, made in the 70’s. It’s a picture of Daniel in the Lions Den. The first thought I had when seeing this was, “My God sent His Angel”, which was the response Daniel gave to King Darius when he asked if he had been delivered. I love how both, Daniel and the Lion, are looking up in reverence to the Angel of the LORD.

There is confidence in the way the artist depicts Daniel standing in the presence of his God. At the same time, the lion with its power is well aware that his power is no match for the Creator in their presence. So, together, they both look up at the splendor of His glory.

In the den, sealed inside with powerful lions, our God who is greater in power, shows up & stands before them with both strength & mercy. This is how I pray to stand in the presence of the Lord, in the midst of any trial. Not looking hopeless at the circumstance, not cowering in fear, but standing strong in the presence of the Lord, who goes with me wherever I go.

“Then the king arose at dawn, at the break of day, and went in haste to the lions’ den. When he had come near the den to Daniel, he cried out with a troubled voice. The king spoke and said to Daniel, “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you constantly serve, been able to deliver you from the lions?”
Then Daniel spoke to the king, “O king, live forever!
My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths and they have not harmed me, inasmuch as I was found innocent before Him; and also toward you, O king, I have committed no crime.” Then the king was very pleased and gave orders for Daniel to be taken up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den and no injury whatever was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.” Daniel 6:19-23

6 - 1

Posted 5 days ago

I remember when these men were beheaded for the sake of the name, Jesus the Christ. What stood out to me the most was the responses from some of their wives. One said, “we are so proud of being Christian. What happened made us all, as Christians, be proud of our Christianity. The Lord Christ was crucified, whipped and tortured for our sake. Can’t we resist a little bit?! Can’t we shed a few drops of blood for His sake? We can do it, we can resist. *It is our responsibility as Christians to keep our faith, we hope that we die like them, this is not death; it’s martyrdom.”

When someone asked another wife, “What do you say to those people who did so?

She replied, “They will believe in Christ. They will regret and cry for all these sins that they committed. Sure, they will return to Christ, I forgive them. I don’t hate them. We thank God, who will never abandon us.”

May the Lord Jesus give us all a heart prepared to endure. Be encouraged.

25 - 3

Posted 1 week ago

If you speak to a New Yorker & hear, “that’s crazy” when you are done, it means we didn’t hear a word you said but don’t want the story repeated. 😂🤣

Don’t front, you know it’s true.

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