ESTD. 1994
Official page.
Melodic heavy metal with elements of folk with lyrics in endangered native language
Hok-key is vivid representative of the Belarusian metal scene with a 20-year history, which marked its presence in the release of 6 full-length albums and numerous singles and EP.
Hok-key has taken the path from the original comedy metal and inventing texts directly to its present form - philosophical texts and regular musical and sound experiments, but not beyond the heavy, melodic, metal with folk influences (mainly in the endangered and disappearing Belarusian language).
The band is broadcasted on radio stations, actively participates in various festivals and concerts both at home and abroad (Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy),
In 2015 and 2017 the band made several bright musical tours to Europe - «Thunder and Lightning European Tour» and "Reaping Europe Tour".
#rock, #metal, #metallica , #heavymetal #folk #melodicdeathmetal