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Pokémon videos with a number in the title

2 years ago - 343 likes

Hi, I'm taking an indefinite hiatus from making some new videos, will try and do them when I feel better but I contracted COVID so I'm quarantining or 2 weeks and have enough rations to not leave my house for even longer than 2 weeks . Omnicom more like Megatron amiright?... sorry... I tried to get a 3rd dosage because I was scared but they were all booked up in Ontario I makes jokes when I'm nervous and even anxious able the whole thing because it feels like death and I've been having so much fun these last few months that I had so many goals and love for a God-like life with all the plans I have.

Gonna be barraging myself in my overpriced Toronto/North York home >. > with so many supplies good enough to last a multiple reincarnate live then so be it, jk (Well not joking about the supplies... just another :I'm scared so make a joke to calm the panic.") I have everything here so don't worry about me... including the internet and books if I need something to pass the but I will be staying offline as much as possible and probably even longer than that too be safe; along with being afraid that all the stuff of that "YouTube autism form" and "" kept of that time from 2017-2018 where I was in a pure state of Psychosis and felt like I want being posses by other people moments... which wasn't me...but my PTSD kicks in. I have a relative who got Coronavirus over almost 2 years ago and was telling me he was still recoding from the side effects of the psychological deterioration.

I wont be leavening my home for any reason whatsoever and don't plan on doing anything to harm myself so please don't worry. I'll be doing nothing but reading the 2000 books I bought and hopefully this is an act of God that helps me better the world with new knowledge as I love reading.

Just wanted to to put this out there incase, I'm on anxious about contracting it and I'm not depression depress, just sort of safe in general where the last 4 months of my life (and happily finding out I'm sterile and will never have kids) hive made me the happiest I've never been that isn't temporary it's just sad to have caught this. Maybe there isn't something in "Beyond Meat" just seems like a coincidence I got vegetarian and get Covid.

I recently reason my raison de'tre; to live to infinity if I don't die from this third party fact... just to competitively live the longest happiest life that ever existed because of how shit this feeling feels. I even decided to go vegetarian (not that I care about animal production) but I found a lot of good dishes that I was really enjoying

Sorry, I just felt you owed all an explanation as I'm really sorry .. hopefully... but I still want to make videos that you all enjoy and look forward to... I've never cared about money just other people's happiness and as an only child I wanted to be there for other only children or anyone that felt alone and could feel someone was there. You've all been so kind to me like my old real family and I've never had a family so just wanted to apologizes to you all in any event.

Even if it's just been days, I'm become agoraphobe to every leave my place even if it goes away, I don't know if just because it's cured that I could spread it and I'm more afraid for others being sick... or dead :/ because of on-essential park walking or driving downtown, and wondering if I should buy a Balenciaga hoodie >.>

Like, I said, I have cans of food and water... don't even want to go down to my lobby to get UberEats cause my condo doesn't allow deliveries to be brought up and have to meet them in the lobby for some reason; which I guess is a blessing in disguised like a mental illness being used as gift what with McDoubles going up to $2.69 to $3.29 depending on vide you're in Canada or the US... maybe it's a blessing in surprised

Anyways, I'm staying off social media (luckily I deleted all of those) and will be turning all my phones and removing the sim cards as well as that communication apps off just to rest and prefer no one tried to contact me as I have so many books to Poke at and Immersive myself in thought of grandeur just in case. Talking to people won't help and I don't need other's sympathy/plans as I prepared everything to just life a long happy life... preferably with Pokimane for all eternity... (Okay... I meant to type "Pokémon..." (Which I'm pretty sure is how Pokimane is supposed to be pronounced with the tonality with phonetics of languages... soo who knows lol if there's not such things as coincidence... anyways maybe everything happens for a reason and there being no such things are coincidences [coinciding incidents] I'll be fine... hopefully not finite... but I don't want to have any communication devices on at all times after the brain tumor surgery and 7 months of straight psychosis where someone archives all my tweets from Dec 2017 - April 30th because I got pulled into the Sunnybrook psych ward for over a month where they fed me the wrong medication daily and if I refused knowing how it was effecting me and refused, they would get security to hold me down and inject with me something else so they can get paid for they "patient by patience" by income; whether it's in person or in a psych ward... Even ended up arrest into a holding cell and then transfer to a second institutionalized in a second one (CAMH) where it was even worse for 3 months, no one knew what they were doing; all they do is blame weed and shrooms and substances (Like prescription Adderall isn't just meth...) when in reality what happened was my General Practitioner gave me default anti-depressants that started the whole voices/incontrollable body motions in my head and 7 month psychosis where they tested shit on my body like X-men.

I'm still on my anti-anxiety medication and my PTSD/OCD/Panic Attack Medication so clearly I'm trying to live a long time... the hyper competitive in my wants to beat the world record for longest latest; gotta have big picture goals... (sorry again... jokes when I don't want to show tears)

I have everything I need here and every precaution to be safe but I will be turning off my phones/communication apps just out of fear of any "psychological" effects of COVID 1-9 and my inability to control what I was doing due to the brain surgery that removed a 2 inch tumor from the left half of my brain.

Hate Psychartrists and don't know how any of them get a degree in that disgusting syllabus.... you could be in grade school at the age of 20 for pharmaceuticals just by cheating off tests and then end up in a dead end up making the wrong perception >.> ALSO therapists because no one is open or trust "friends:" who are close to them and need the exchange of money over friendship and trust; when trust is bonded by cash... been to over 20 Psychiatrists, read 47 psychology books; been the therapists and I'd lay there like I haven't heard what I already knew frim page 42 in Freud's book. Each of them has no idea what they're saying and just try to sell you medication because they get paid if they're sponsored by a brand...Whatever, I know people who work in hospitals and the Doctors don't care about the patients they just fight over who gets which ward in Canada because the more times they come to you to swipe your health care, they gets paid 360... always in a rush and can't actually help a person >.>

Sorry... just a lot to think about but I'm eternally safe, I want to win life as a game; money means nothing to me, it's the joy of what each new days brings and sharing that joy with the 1 true person you can soulfully bond with...

Again sorry, just ranting or of sadness, don't mean to cry... just a lot as happened to me (mostly positive now... just not before... however I've garnered a new affliction on life and it feels like eithers just want to pity me but never talk to me about it, it's always been about lending an ear, not initiation ting the conversation. Never gonna leave my place, I have enough things here to last me a life time and I'll make videos when I'm back in a happier state to truly bring you the content that cheers any of you up in a loving manners... even if that's in the for of dry jokes like a younger brother trying to make his older cousin laugh

Again... sorry ( Fucking Us Canadians >.>)

I'll be back when I can with all my technology off but I'm be safe. gonna work out, write a book maybe, read books... I love reading, watch Ainime, just gonna disconnect from every... fuck Ominicronavidealta1-9 >.> zzzzzzzzzzzz

Here's a picture of me since you call keep searching for my brain tumor.

Fuck Anti-Vaxxers; couldn't get my third shot in time

2 years ago - 100 likes

We look at what new Pokemon species could appear in Pokemon Legends: Arceus if they made brand new Pokémon 😮😮😮 Do you think they'll finally give me my husky 😅

New video out now! 👉▶️▶️▶️

2 years ago - 55 likes

Found an old video that I accidentally deleted off my channel a few years ago, if you remember the video (without look at the date 😶) what year do you think this video was released!?

Check it out here! 👉▶️ 😍😂

2 years ago - 61 likes

We look at the Best Pokemon for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, who is your BEST starter pick!? 😮

Watch the video here!▶️

2 years ago - 155 likes

Had to take a free month break to keep my mental health in check but I’ll be back soon with a flurry of content so look forward to that! Hope you’ve all been doing well ^^

2 years ago - 61 likes

We go over another new Pokémon in Pokémon Legends Arceus, which new Pokémon did you think Kleavor evolved from!? ▶️ 🔥 💎

2 years ago - 135 likes

We go over all the new Pokémon in Pokémon Legends Arceus, which new Pokémon are you most excited for and is your favourite!? ▶️ 🔥 💎

3 years ago - 40 likes

This may as well be a Top 100 (New video out now!~)

3 years ago - 115 likes

Happy New Year everyone, we're back on the 15th with a new upload and a new Top 10 Sunday so stay tuned for that!

3 years ago - 135 likes

Completely forgot I used to say "Keep on catching!" at the end of my videos till today