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Violinist-composer Rupert Guenther is an original concert ar


Violinist-composer Rupert Guenther is an original concert artist and performs and tours internationally playing his own evocative improvisations in classical recitals, chamber music ensembles and many other interesting projects spanning ancient and modern world music, exquisite meditation concerts, down to earth folk and blues shows, through to stunning multimedia performances in large museum spaces, and gives educational presentations at conferences worldwide. He regularly performs in Australia, UK, and Europe, and has independently released over 35 albums of his own music since 2003, including 5 albums of his own music for ABC Classic FM in Australia.
Trained as a virtuoso concert violinist in Vienna, Austria, and formerly a member of the Vienna Chamber Opera, he has been sideman to stars such as Beatles’ producer Sir George Martin, Olivia-Newton John, Demis Roussos, John Farnham, Anthony Warlow, Austrian TV heart-throb Tobias Moretti, and Hollywood singer-songwriter Lisbeth Scott.