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Nova X Jewel

325 subscribers - no pronouns set

Hey Guys It's me Sam but you can Call me Nova X Jewel

Nova X Jewel
1 day ago - 5 likes

I made a picture of Rose, Emily and Kiko for ā€Ŗ@sunshineillust25ā€¬ art contest
it was my 1st time drawing half body so this was interesting for me

Nova X Jewel
4 days ago - 1 likes

remember how my friend ā€Ŗ@sunshineillust25ā€¬ made Princess Musical Emily of Melody Kingdom

Nova X Jewel
4 days ago - 2 likes

I'm on team startdust for artfight

Nova X Jewel
6 days ago - 1 likes

I don't know what's going on with the moderator of Stormi's friends
They don't let me chat on twitch and ban for no reason
Protowave banned me from chatting and wjracer banned me from chatting like every moderator doesn't trust me with chatting on Stormi Folf's twitch streams and her friends twitch streams
They don't understand that I'm not spamming messages anymore as my friend iorek stated
I need to talk to proto and the other moderators that i'm not spamming messages anymore and not creating issues

Nova X Jewel
1 week ago - 1 likes

My Wishlist for artists to draw my elephant oc
Stormi Folf
Aussie Kitten

Nova X Jewel
1 week ago - 0 likes

I love how StormiFolf included the elephant plushie at the end of the video
I'm hoping she'd draw my elephant sona soon as ā€Ŗ@IorekByrnison086ā€¬ felt the same thing when she drew people's sonas in friday livestreams

Nova X Jewel
1 week ago - 2 likes

I made this livestream ending for ā€Ŗ@StormiFolfā€¬ using filmora
I was proud of how i made this masterpiece as a gift for her for her future livestream
She inspired me to make my elephant sona and helped me join the furry fandom
I'm hoping she'd draw my elephant sona soon but it takes time before she draws it
Stormi Folf Thank you for helping me become a better person and help me balance myself through difficulties

Nova X Jewel
2 weeks ago - 2 likes

I got my 1st fan art delievered by AirGuiTaR
Show her some love

Nova X Jewel
2 weeks ago - 3 likes

In this story Iā€™m going to be very open and honest about my mental health, ASD and ADHD . Iā€™ll tell you stories about the wrong things Iā€™ve done, The bad things Iā€™ve gone through in my family and why it was difficult for my life to go through all of this.

As you know Iā€™ve done so many wrong things in my home and in social media and Iā€™ll explain them one by one

Breaking my siblings stuff
I have a hard time controlling my anger and I get very sensitive all the time and I get my feelings hurt very easily. In 2022, My mom yelled at me for getting off her laptop and she just told me to get off, I apologized to her and she accepted it very meanly and sassingly and it just hurt me very much. I felt like she didnā€™t care about me or maybe she doesnā€™t want to talk to me anymore. It got me so mad and so emotionally hurt that I started ripping my sister's tent and breaking my youngest brothers just so I could get revenge on her for hurting my feelings. I got sent to my room and my brother started beating me up 3 times and I was so angry at him for beating me up like I wanted to break his stuff and send him out of the house. My mom was in my room and she felt bad for me for being mad at me and yelling at me. I apologized to my mom and siblings and they forgave me for my anger and emotional damage that iā€™ve done for revenge

Crossing peopleā€™s boundaries
This is a serious topic because I struggle with boundaries a lot of the time and I will tell you a story of how I ruined a future friendship for crossing her boundaries after being told to stop.
So this is a story that I've been hiding from you for a long time. I crossed @Nala_elephantā€™s boundaries. The first time I crossed her boundaries was when I asked an artist if he could draw her fursona and she said that asking for free art is not for everyone. I kept giving her video and picture suggestions if she;s interested and I think she doesnā€™t want to at the moment because of my impatience. On July 4th she blocked me because of my impatience and repeatedly giving her video suggestions. I went on her alt account and she was asking me if I was a minor and I explained why I went to her alt account and she was sorry that her block upset me but she had to block me because I was underage on NSFW accounts. I kept tagging her on Bsky and she begged me to stop and I was very mad about myself and I was trying to stop but there was too much stuff going on that caused me to do the same actions I did previously. I apologized to her on furaffinity and she forgave me but i need to stop tagging her and messaging her cause it was stressing her out. So I responded to her that I will keep my promise to stop tagging and messaging her. I talked to one of my friends who understood what i said named griver the coyote and she told me to mute her and i did because she was trying to resolve the situation between her and I

Harassment for free art by mistake
I made a huge mistake and I cannot hide it anymore. I harassed lunesonthemoon by mistake for free art. I asked if i could do an art trade with her so she said she was down for an art trade. I messaged her my oc and this is where the mistake happened on purpose or by accident. I sent her the DTIYS and she blocked me. I tried to apologize but the situation got worse. I got called out by VictoryDraws and I was upset about my own actions and I tried to defend myself but I don't think that is the case.

Dumping personal information when weā€™re not close friends
This is another huge mistake that iā€™ve done wrong because I told my friends that my mom was having surgery and the person who i sent it to was so messed up
I sent that message to stellar the dutchie. SHe did pray for my mom but she told me something that shook me. I responded I know and Thanks for the advice and SHe blocked me and that was the most horrible thing Iā€ve ever done in my life. I apologized to her and it might take a while for her to accept the apology but what iā€™ve done was so messed up.

Spamming on Stormi folfā€™s twitch streams
This is like the mistake that iā€™ve learned from but Iā€™ve learned not to spam messages anymore
On december 26th I started spamming on stormi folfā€™s streams on something that i did for her to see. I got timed out multiple times by a moderator named protowave and he banned me and denied my request to be unbanned after a few streams of spamming. A few months later I went to church on wendesday and sunday, I made lyric videos describing my life and I talked to one of my good friends Iorek and the amount of encouragement he gave me caused me to be a better person and to not spam messages anymore. Protowave still didnā€™t trust me and doesnā€™t want me to participate on any of her platforms including her discord server becuase of being on blepā€™s 18+ account and suggesting to draw people as elephants and was trying to suggest livestreams and videos for stormi

Things Iā€™ve gone through in my family
There have been so many bad things in my family and I was so upset and emotional about everything I've been through. Form being beat up by my own brother to being sent to the hospital
Being annoyed and bullied by my oldest brother
My oldest brother has been annoying and bullying me for years now. He has been sassy to me and mom and dad and he thinks heā€™s the boss in the house. He gets angry and beats people up when things don't get in his way and gets in fights with dad and mom. He annoys me by saying very things that make me mad and I told him to stop and he never stopped and it made me infuriated me
My oldest brother beating my mom
This is one of the most upsetting things i have gone through
At 11pm, my mom told my oldest brother to get off his console and he didnā€™t want to get off. He got so mad that he pushed mom to the ground and punched her physically. She got sent to the hospital and my family was very upset about the aftermath but she came back and she was fine but my oldest brother did so much damage in the house
My dad abusing me/anger issues
My dad has anger issues and he has been doing some bad things that hurt me and my family. He broke peopleā€™s stuff and he cared about work and cared very little about us
He broke my laptop and he blamed me for breaking my stuff when he broke my stuff. I had the right to defend my stuff from my dad because his behavior is beyond unacceptable. He hit me with a belt when I was a kid and he forced me to take a break for a day when I didn't want to and if I didn't, he took it away from me when I didn't want to give it to him. I had to get revenge on him for emotionally abusing me by swearing at him, slapping him, assaulting him, yelling at him, hitting him with a belt and throwing away his stuff and I wanted him to pay the price of what he had done to me
Getting sent to the hospital
This was a difficult one for me to forget because I was angry at my dad for ruining my life. My dad pinned me to the ground after I splashed water at him and slapped him. I tried to get out but he wouldnā€™t let me like it literally just suffocated me and he was choking me and slapping me and I spit on him in response to abusing me. The cops came and put bracelets on me and I told the cops to arrest him for being abusive to me. I got sent to the hospital and my mom was there before I went to the program at the hospital and I stayed there for 5 days. I talked to my mom about what needs to change and my auntā€™s baby was born on friday. My dad came in here and i was afraid of him but the doctor encouraged me to talk to him and he was sorry of what heā€™d done to me and i forgave him and he was sorry that my stuff was broken
Suicidal thoughts
The suicidal thoughts was the most difficult for me to talk about because it was personal for me. I was thinking of killing myself because there were so much things that i had to go through from losing family members and friends to having arguments and I couldnā€™t get over the stuff I've done wrong. I donā€™t deserve to treat them wrongly and They donā€™t deserve the bad. I was making lyric videos that described my life and I was sadder everyday because of some difficulties in myself.
Serious disagreement/arguments between my mom and dad
My mom is getting a job and The most heartbreaking thing I can witness is mom and dad arguing. It hit me hard and I started crying very hard like I remember one time I exploded when mom and dad was arguing over real estate when I came home from school. They are still arguing about things about family and jobs and stuff but I hope it stops

I know I am not happy with the stuff Iā€™ve done wrong and with the stuff that happened in the family but I pray that there will be better days for me and my family
I apologize to the people who blocked me for my own wrongdoings and I know I canā€™t undo my mistakes but I am learning from it and Iā€™m growing to become a better person.
Thank you for reading my Mental Health Story and understanding what iā€™ve gone through.
I hope you have a good day and Happy Menā€™s Mental Health Awareness Month