Welcome to Grand Teton Ancient Grains! We are a small organic family farm and mill located at the base of the Grand Teton foothills in Eastern Idaho. It's our goal to restore the finest ancient grains to your family's table.
We believe that when it comes to our health and our planet, many of the old ways are best. That’s certainly true of ancient grains. We have made it our mission to preserve, study, and provide easy access to these ancient grains for as many people as possible.
Visit our website at AncientGrains.com to learn more and to purchase 100% Certified Organic Ancient Grains! We have a variety to choose from including Einkorn, Spelt, Emmer, Khorasan, Rye, and Quinoa. They come in paper bags, or in Super Pails for long-term food storage. We also sell Organic Einkorn Flour, grain mills, and cookbooks. You can also check out our Blog and our Recipes on the website for more information.
Thank you for supporting our family's organic farm and mill!