Hey guys! Got A Problem?...Solve It! ♥ ♥Think I'm Tripping?...Tie My Shoe! ♥ ♥Can't Stand Me?...Sit Down! ♥ ♥Can't Face Me?...Well Turn Around! ♥ ♥Think I'm ugly...Don't look at me♥ ♥Don't like my style...Who said I liked yours?♥ ♥Don't know me...Don't judge me♥ ♥Think you know me?...You have no idea.♥♥ ¢alling me FAKE won't make you REAL, ¢alling me D U M B won't make you SMART, ¢alling me UGLY won't make you PRETTY, ¢alling me WEIRD won't make you COOL, ¢alling me WEAK WON'T make you STRONG. ♛Keep Low♛ ♚Move Fast♚✝️ I believe in Jesus Christ have a good day and GOD BLESS YOU :) sub to Charlotte Edits and Michelle Morris in my subs!!!