Listen and learn Sanatani Granth and Mantra and important books that can change our life with Me. It is purely for educational purpose of sanatani Granth and Mantra as well some books that can help you to grow and live your life happily.
Indian mythology has scientifically proven methods to improve our life which We are going to discuss here.Here I am going to expain the things in less time so people can learn maximum in minimum time.
Here you will also learn about Great preaonalities that can motivate you to LIVE your life happily.
Here you get:
👉1 minute short mythological stories
👉Facts about Indian mytholgy
👉1 minute life story of Great presonalities of all time
👉1 minute granth and mantra lessons
👉1minute knoledge facts
By:Rahul Sharma(MAHERSHI)