Welcome to my YouTube channel.
This is a place for wounded souls to find healing in the arms of Jesus! As one who was hungry for deep healing, who is now satisfied, seeking to help others find the healing they need. I want to see you live in the wonderful destiny of purpose God created you for.
I have not arrived to perfection and know I never will this side of heaven, it’s just not humanly possible. But, I feel healthy now! I can see the truths of God. In the past I only saw the abundance of self-destructive lies I was addicted to.
That addiction was something I was born into, commonly known as domestic violence. The most devastation form of violence is psychological abuse. It is easier for the world to see and have compassion on evidence of physical abuse. Few are those who see the scars covering another’s heart.
When psychological abuse starts as a child, the victim believes it is the truth of who they are. Thus, requiring a lot of work to learn and believe the truth.