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Art @ Bookshelf Odyssey

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Welcome to the Bookshelf Odyssey! My name is Art and I am a

Art @ Bookshelf Odyssey
6 days ago - 15 likes

I may have started #janeaustenjuly a bit early… but I couldn’t wait! In the front porch with a biography, Mansfield Park, and the Rachel Portman soundtrack to Emma. A perfect afternoon!

Art @ Bookshelf Odyssey
1 month ago - 9 likes

Life/Channel Update:

Hello Everyone! As Mark Twain allegedly said, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated." I'm pleased to report I'm not dead yet, but I sure felt like it... Here's a quick update on life - After the sudden passing of my dad and taking a few weeks to deal with that, I was looking forward to getting back to the podcast and this wonderful booktube community. Then I got sick - really really sick. Strep throat, sinus infection, bronchitis, and possibly COVID. I couldn't even walk a block without getting a coughing fit. And then I shared it with my family - they got better quickly, but I continued to be sick. At this time, I still have no voice at all so obviously making videos and podcasting is impossible when I can't even talk. However, as I'm now on a second round of antibiotics, I'm actually starting to feel slightly, slightly better.

As far as my podcast/channel goes, I do have a couple of videos and interviews I recorded before I got sick, but haven't even had the energy to edit them yet. So I might have something here coming soon, but we'll see. I'm really trying hard to rest and not over do it. Whatever this was, it REALLY took a lot out of me. Anyway, thank you all for hanging in there, and being patient with me as I go through this tough time. I'm looking forward to getting better and getting back to the microphone.

#booktube #lifeupdate #channelupdate

Art @ Bookshelf Odyssey
3 months ago - 3 likes

Hey everyone! I found a new booktube channel that I've really been enjoying. Check out ‪@MyMessyBookshelf‬ 's channel and help support a new booktuber! Also, she recently did the popular "I'm So Annoyed" booktube tag, and had some great answers.

#booktube #booktag #tagtuesday

Art @ Bookshelf Odyssey
7 months ago - 6 likes

Hi folks - for those interested, I also host a Christmas podcast, and this week's episode I interview mystery author Clara McKenna. She is the author of the Stella and Lyndy Mystery Series, and has just published book 5, entitled "Murder on Mistletoe Lane".

We talk about her latest Christmas mystery, and how a life-long love of England led her to write her mystery series; our mutual (possibly obsessive) love of eggnog; some of our favorite Christmas foods, cherished Christmas memories, and more!

You can listen to the episode here or wherever you stream podcasts (spotify, apple, etc)…

You can also find my Christmas youtube channel at ‪@cozychristmaspodcast‬ . Most of my episodes are audio only, but I often talk to cozy mystery writers, authors, and read classic Victorian Christmas stories. You can also find out more at!

#christmas #christmaspodcast #christmasbooks

Art @ Bookshelf Odyssey
8 months ago - 18 likes

Hi folks! I won’t have the second episode of Distracted by Dickens out today as planned. I’m still editing it - but my plans this weekend got interrupted by this cutie. Our dog Pumpkin was bitten and scratched by another dog, and we had to take her into the vet today as the wound was getting infected. She was in a lot of pain too so I’ve had to pay closer attention to her obviously! She’s doing much better now - but just a friendly reminder to dog owners PLEASE keep your dogs fenced in or on leashes, especially if they tend to be very aggressive like this dog was. If you want them to roam free, you should live on a farm!

Art @ Bookshelf Odyssey
10 months ago - 12 likes

WE DID IT!!! Thank you so much everyone who has subscribed. This is a great way to celebrate my two year anniversary - reaching 500 subs! Thanks to ‪@DebDevita‬ for being #500. Welcome to my channel!
I thought I would celebrate by doing a Q&A Video - post your questions in the comments and I'll answer them in an upcoming video. They can be book or life related questions, or even some random philosophical question LOL... Thank you so much everyone!

Art @ Bookshelf Odyssey
1 year ago - 0 likes

I have a new podcast episode, but it is audio only, so I'll direct everyone to my podcast feed - link is in this post.

In today's episode I interview crime writer Laura Burke. And believe me, you won't want to miss this amazing story of her incredible journey to becoming a published writer. Laura has had many lives and adventures: she's worked as a police officer, a private investigator, a nurse, and now she spends her weekends killing people... only in her novels, of course.

In the interview I talk to her about one of the darkest moments in her life, and how that started her on her journey to becoming an award winning author. I also talk to her about her crime novel "Black Orchid" and how much fun it is to write (and read!) mystery novels with twist endings. She also shares some insight and tips for new authors that she has learned on her way to becoming a crime writer.

One thing's for sure: there's no slowing this grandma down!

Listen now at:…

#podcast #podcast #booktube #crimewriter #writingcommunity #writingjourney #authorinterview #mysterynovel #mysterywriter #lauraburke #blackorchid

Art @ Bookshelf Odyssey
1 year ago - 6 likes

Hey Ray Bradbury Fans! After much delay due to life, the universe and everything, I'm ready to get the Ray Bradbury Short Story Club going full speed. This month we are reading "Homecoming" - Bradbury's family of spooks and weirdos, The Elliotts, come together for a big family reunion. If you like The Addams Family/Wednesday there's a big reason why...

This story is one of Bradbury's best known stories, and it first appeared in the October 1946 Mademoiselle magazine, which is billed as a "magazine for smart young women". If I remember right, it was the first time one of his stories appeared in a "commercial" magazine. There's more to the story of it's publication that I'll talk about in the wrap up video coming up at the end of the month.

As you can see below, it was beautifully illustrated by a young cartoonist of the macabre - Charles Addams.

Yes, THAT Addams, creator of everyone's favorite creepy and kooky family. Personally, I think it's a shame that Addams didn't create more illustrations for Bradbury.

Have you read "Homecoming"? Let's chat below - and let me know if you'd like to be a part of the wrap up video where we can talk about this delightful story!

#booktube #raybradbury #shortstories #bookclub

Art @ Bookshelf Odyssey
1 year ago - 3 likes

For those who might want some Christmas reading recommendations, I got another Cozy Christmas Book Corner video up on my Christmas channel just in time for the oncoming blizzard. I give a couple more cozy mystery recommendations and some none mystery books too. I've had a great month of reading so far! Here's hoping Santa brings me some books for Christmas...

#Christmas #books #booktube #reading #bookrecommendations