Legal Note:-
#SC_ST_OBC_And_MINORITIES promotes the Fundamental Duty of Art. 51A(h) of the Indian Constitution. i,e. Scientific temperament. And it's Fundamental right for Art.19(1) (a) Right to freedom of speech and Expression.
This channel is a work of satire to encourage Scientific Temperaments among people purposes only and is not intended to defile and defame any religious, regional or social groups. This channel may also contain offensive content which may be unsuitable for some audiences, so viewer discretion is highly recommended.
👉जय विज्ञान , जय संविधान !
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👉दिमाग की बत्ती जलाओ , अन्धविश्वास दूर भगाओ !
🙏अंधविश्वास,पाखंडवाद,छुआछूत और भेदभाव को जड़ से समाप्त करने का लक्ष्य और आप सभी का साथ 🙏
🙏जय भीम 🙏
🙏जय मूलनिवासी 🙏
यहां तक आने के लिए धन्यवाद🙏
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