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Violet Flame

561 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Welcome to the Violet Flame, a channel where I share my pass

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Violet Flame
Posted 1 week ago

Hello friends!

This brief message is just to give you a heads-up about what’s coming.

Stay tuned for my visit to the enchanting Krastova Gora and historic Bachkovo Monastery in Bulgaria!

In this adventure, I’ll reveal the mystery behind the white scarf on my head and share the story behind wearing my great grandparents’ jewellery. Curious? Don’t miss this video, which I’ll be posting in approximately a month!

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Violet Flame
Posted 4 months ago

Dear Violet Flame Community,

I hope this message finds you well. 🌟

I’ve been dealing with burnout and health issues caused by stress. Balancing my passion for creating content with the demands of life has taken a toll, but I’m committed to finding a healthier equilibrium.

April has been particularly hectic due to a flurry of doctor appointments. However, I want to assure you that I haven’t disappeared completely. Behind the scenes, I’m diligently working on a few projects that I can’t wait to share with you.

Rather than vanishing for an extended period, I’ve decided to upload content sporadically. Quality remains my top priority, and I believe this approach will allow me to deliver the best possible videos without compromising my well-being.

Currently, due to my responsibilities in caring for my dad, I’m limited to staying within Sofia. However, in June, I’ll have the opportunity to embark on some day trips beyond Sofia’s borders.

Thank you for your patience, your kindness, and your continued support.

Stay tuned for updates and remember that your understanding means everything to me.

Let’s keep the positive vibes flowing!

With gratitude, Angela

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Violet Flame
Posted 5 months ago

Dear friends,

I am planning to extend the rice experiment because I want to see some significant changes.

Thank you for your patience.

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Violet Flame
Posted 6 months ago

Dear fellow explorers,

Remember that slightly cringe-worthy video I shared three years ago? Well, it turns out a lot of people liked it. The views poured in, and many of you reached out, urging me to repeat Dr. Masaru Emoto's rice experiment. So, here we are, ready to dive into the intriguing unknown once again.

Before the official video drops, here's a sneak peek at my set up. I am going to use two sets of containers - 3 never used glass jars and 3 sterile containers, which I obtained from the pharmacy. I have two containers labelled "love", two containers labelled "hate" and two containers labelled "ignore". I have filled each container with the same amount of boiled rice - 5 tea spoons for the glass jars and 3 tea-spoons for the smaller containers. I will be talking positive to the containers labelled "love" and I will be saying negative words to the containers labelled "hate". The other two containers will remain ignored. I will conduct the experiment for about a month.

I'm extending an invitation to each one of you. Grab your containers-glass, plastic, or whatever you think is suitable. Set the stage, document your process, and let's compare the results.

Уважаеми колеги изследователи,

Спомняте ли си онова потресаващо видео, което споделих преди три години? Е, оказа се, че всички го харесахте! Много от вас ме призоваха да повторя експеримента на Масару Емото.

Преди да кача официалното видео, ето един кратък поглед към моя експеримент. Ще използвам два комплекта контейнери за сравнение - три чисто нови стъклени буркана и три стерилни контейнера, закупени от аптека. Имаме два контейнера - ЛЮБОВ, два- ОМРАЗА, и два контейнера - БЕЗРАЗЛИЧИЕ. В продължение на месец ще говоря позитивни думи на контейнерите ЛЮБОВ, негативни думи на контейнерите маркирани с ОМРАЗА, а другите контейнери ще останат пренебрегнати. Използвала съм еднакво количество сварен ориз - по 5 чаени лъжички в бурканите и 3 чаени лъжички в стерилните контейнери (защото са по-малки). Експеримента ще продължи поне един месец.

Отправям покана към всеки един от вас. Вземете контейнерите си - стъклени, пластмасови или каквито смятате за подходящи. Поставете началото, документирайте процеса си и нека сравним резултатите.

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