Líricas exóticas, emergiendo fuera de lo común y con una actitud comprometedora para dar sacudidas eléctricas a tus sentidos. Esa es la caracterización del productor, escritor, y rapero de musica electronica, reggaeton y hip hop Tigre Fino.
Exotic lyrics, emerging out of the ordinary and with a compromising attitude to shock your sense. That's the characterization of the producer, writer, and performer of electronic music, reggaeton and hip hop Tigre Fino.
About Tigre Fino:
Tigre Fino is a mix of all the freakiness and craziness combine with smoothness and classiness, while I was in high school. In the Dominican Republic, the dean of the school used to shout a loud "Hey ojo de Tigre, vete para tu clase", which means "Hey Tiger eyes go to your classroom" - Read more @ www.TigreFinoMusic.com