Subscribe if you want a blessing from Jesus✝️
Subscribe to me if you love the Lord, Jesus Christ❤✝️
I make fun PK XD videos, sometimes I add my sister in my videos. If you want to play with me, just ask me either on Instagram or YT community.
Nick name: Hero
Instagram account: Hero_pkxd
PK XD account:YTHeroPKXD
PK XD account ID:2543
Discord server:
Birthday: May 16
My future plans: I want to make PK XD a better game then it is right now, because it is turning into a pay to win game day by day and I want to stop this. I myself am a F2P player (Free to play player) and I don't spend real money and I also don't want other players to spend real money.
My goal: I want to become a PK XD Admin to change PK XD and turn it back into what its supposed to be(a free to play game)