✨ You don't have to wear hippie yoga pants, go to Burning Man, or ditch your therapist to step into the badass, powerful soul who attracts money, magic and peace. If you've heard influential women talk about leaving hustle for flow, using sex magic to attract money, navigate a dark night of the soul, develop their intuition, master shadow work and reduce her mom rage with micro-dosing, but you just don't "get it", then this is the show for you. Your soul is already deeply spiritual, it's okay for your brain to simply be curious. Let's awaken your inner knowing and explore this magic together!
After my spiritual awakening in 2020 I've spent thousands of hours remembering and activating my spiritual gifts, unlocking my intuition, and healing from abandonment and rejection wounds. It's been the most rewarding journey and I’ve come home to my soul. I want to show you it's a lot easier and way more fun than conventional ways.
Subscribe & enjoy the journey, one weekly dose at a time! 🌈