I am a Therapeutic Massage Therapist working in Fremington with 38 years experience. Originally from a nursing background, I trained and specialised in Therapeutic massage therapies. I work closely with the NHS staff and other allied therapists and know all the pitfalls of being a professional therapist. I have lots of experience to share within my classes, tutorials and video's, no matter whether you are a beginner or qualified therapist their is something within my channel to offer you.. Teaching since 1997, I have taught level 3 and 4 VTCT iTEC diploma courses for 20 years. I was a registered trainer for the MOD and military personnel and over 4000 students have successfully trained with me at my college in Devon Academy of Complementary Therapies.
I am uploading all my video's and classes to help and encourage therapists become better at what they do. I still do treatments in Barnstaple in Devon, and mentor qualified therapists.