If you feel amazing it's enough reason to give God all the glory but:
If you are in a state of hurt and heartbreak, anguish and pain, then know God WILL make a way.
His word says weeping may endure a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Stop fussing, commit it to God.
Jesus came to take not only your sins away but your pain, he said come to me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Stop placing the burden on yourself and commit it to God. He knows what we need before we ask.
No matter how unrighteousness you may feel it's okay, God sent Jesus for the unsaved.
Happy are those who are truly saved. Salvation is a choice, choose Jesus now and stop delaying.
Pray this after me saying, Lord I believe in your Son you sent to this world to die for me for the remission of my sins. I confess Jesus as my personal Lord and savior, I believe he died for me on the cross and I believe he is alive and I am now set free. Thankyou In Jesus' Name, Amen.