My name is Allan Oerlemans and I am the Sespe Scouter. I have been scouting in the Ventura County Council since 2009. I have served as a Den Leader, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, and Unit Commissioner. I have completed Wood Badge training (I used to be an Eagle, and a good ole' Eagle too!).
In this channel I will be bringing videos on Scout Skills, Outdoor Skills, Leader Training, and a few videos directed specifically for my units. Mostly, lets have some fun.
I currently serve as the Cubmaster of Pack 3176, Scoutmaster for Girls Troop 1176, Scoutmaster for Boys Troop 179 and Advisor of Crew 2906. My wife and I live in Ventura with our 5 kids, dog, 11 chickens, and two guinea pigs.