Do you want to learn how to grow Nepenthes at home?
On my channel, I'll show you how to grow them on a windowsill or in a grow tent.
I'll help you understand your plants so you can provide them what they need to thrives.
From tutorials, interviews of growers (from all over the world!) or even some equipment that will make it easier, you should be able to quickly grow your plants and knowledge.
My name is Rémy (I'm French) and I have been growing carnivorous plants for over 10 years but after moving from France (Plant Hardiness Zone 8) to Manitoba, Canada (Plant Hardiness Zone 3a), the way I grow my nepenthes changed drastically.
I believe by all sharing how we grow our Nepenthes, we will allow more people to get into this great hobby.
Happy growing everyone!
If you want to share with us how you grow your Nepenthes on your windowsill or your grow tent, contact me for an interview!
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