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Brenda Rose Invests

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Follow me on my journey to retire within 10 years, You Can T

Secrets to raising capital #entrepreneurship #money #privateequity #rvparks Crazy how your life can change in just over a year! #retirerich #financialfreedom #investing Gen Z listen up! #financialfreedom #investing Try this and let me know if it works #mindset  Has this ever happened to you? Should we be pivoting? It’s never too late! Take that risk! #retireby53 #financialfreedom #riskmanagement #risk Multiple streams of income #realestate #sales101 #investment #retireby53 Can I retire in 10 years? By 53? #RetireBy53 #investment #business #wealthynotrich Dreamers VS Doers Success through COMMUNITY 2 Things I MUST Teach My Son FUN FACTS About Me! Multifamily is at RISK? How I Balance Work and Family... No Real Estate Experience? Start Here. How Your Mindset Affects Your Success Do you know your CLIFTON STRENGTHS? This is your sign TO START. Stop Complaining! Things I wish I knew in my 20s... 3 Common MISTAKES as a NEW RECRUITER STOP GOING TO NETWORKING EVENTS TO HANGOUT V4 HOW TO BE THE BEST NETWORKER Self-Care Reminder! DON'T DO THIS AT NETWORKING EVENTS Common MISCONCEPTION OF SUCCESSFUL Sales People EASIEST SALES TIP: Mirroring How to NEVER be FORGOTTEN again! Here's why your SALES and DECLINING... STOCKS ARE CRASHING! Let’s DIVERSIFY your INVESTMENTS #investment #money #propertyinvestment UNLOCKING the SECRET to getting ANYTHING YOU WANT #investment #realestateinvestment #money LIES about RETIREMENT #investment #finance #realestateinvestment #money Building GENERATIONAL WEALTH for your FAMILY #realestateinvestment #investment #wealthbuilding NETWORKING is USELESS UNLESS? #realestateinvestment #money #investment #networking It’s about who KNOWS YOU #realestateinvestment #networking #multifamilyrealestate #investment TRAVELING to BUILD TRUST and INVESTMENT TIES #realestateinvestment #entrepreneur #networking Creating a TEAM by FINDING your PEOPLE #realestateinvestment #multifamilyinvesting #investment CONSISTENT in my FOLLOW UPS #realestateinvestment #networking #entrepreneur #passiveincome OC 100 WOMEN CHARITY #multifamily #realestateinvestment #entrepreneur #investment Using CREXI and LINKEDIN to CROSS REFERENCE #multifamily #investment #money #realestateinvestment Trying to INFLUENCE EVERYONE around me #multifamily #realestateinvesting #manifestation #money INVESTING in MULTIFAMILY REAL ESTATE #multifamily #realestateinvestment #money #propertyinvestment What happens if you DIDN’T JOIN SUBTO #multifamily #realestateinvestment #money #investment INVESTING in MULTIFAMILY #multifamily #realestateinvestment #propertyinvestment #money INVESTING in MYSELF #realestateinvestment #multifamilyinvesting #multifamily Real Estate is NOT AN OVERNIGHT SUCCESS #realestateinvestment #multifamily #propertyinvestment My Journey to MOVE FORWARD #multifamily #realestateinvestment #propertyinvestment