Spiritualist and Independent Researcher. Proud Womans Advocate.
Deciphering how Matriarchs of Women left vasts amounts of symbolism that the Earths terrain is a “ Power Generator “ or Magnetic Field for our homes & societies.
Deciphering symbolism of GENDER WARS/ man vs Woman since 31BC.
Deciphering how Matriarchs are Heaven &
How Women left symbolism of Matriarchs beyond the Ascension of the Earth.
Deciphering How the Earth and its waters Ascend at Antarctica & how that leads too ancient literary; pre-religious Matriarchal symbolism; and how entire Matriarchal “societies“; that men say mysteriously vanished & disappeared without a trace left symbolism of Ascension here on Earth too safe havens apart from where men rule... What men call “Heaven”.
This channel is for a peaceful spiritual exploration/expedition/exodus out of the Patriarchs of the 6 continents where men rule and into the Matriarchs beyond the Infinite Earth of Antarctica.
Welcome to your Awakening.