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Madrona's Pulse Teachings | Astrology for Healing

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Madrona's Pulse Teachings | Astrology for Healing
22 hours ago - 144 likes

Tomorrow brings our Cancer Solstice and today- the Sun's last full day in Gemini. What a whirlwind it's been. From abundance of ideas to mental exhaustion to everything in between.

Today the Sun squares Neptune which carries it through the Solstice threshold tomorrow, 1:50 Pacific Time. It's a day to feel into where you are- right now. Regardless of how this Gemini season treated you, where are you right now? Today. What's pulsing life in your veins? What visions are floating into your daydreams?

With Vesta trining Neptune as she moves into heart-centred Leo today, those daydreams may very well be healing medicine. Let yourself fall into them a bit. Let yourself welcome creative healing fires within. Vesta's fires are sacred. They connect us to the Goddess and she is nurturing and loving us within today. Drop into that sacred feminine energy and from that place,

thank the Gemini Sun. Whatever mental gymnastics it brought your way, however graceful or clumsy they may have felt, they were somehow necessary for this unraveling mystery of precious life. Tomorrow we enter Cancer season. Very different energy. Very different direction. Very different gifts.

Blessings on the Journey.

Madrona's Pulse Teachings | Astrology for Healing
2 days ago - 183 likes

Perhaps a sigh of relieve can emerge! Mercury & Venus entered Cancer together, breaking up some of the very intense Gemini energy we've been moving through these past few weeks. Their entrance comes through a square with Neptune which still holds, but Cancer can defuse the high Neptune vibes through watery feelings and emotions that ebb & flow whereas Gemini can get overwhelmed by all that other realmness.

And the Sun sits opposite the galactic centres as it too prepares to square Neptune and then make its Solstice threshold crossing into Cancer on June 20th. Remember the galactic centre is a black hole. A void to our mind's categories of time & space and yet its power offers incredible insights and breakthroughs of inspired understanding so long as those insights are allowed to stream through by their own accord.

And Vesta, goddess of the sacred hearth, she who stokes the sacred fires of our creative & healing sexuality, sits at the final degree of Cancer and trines Neptune as well. She offers healing from other realms to nurture us so fully. What a day to dance with Vesta, should the impulse come to you.

As we begin to move into more Cancer energy, especially if the past few weeks have been a lot for your mind, take time to rest & nurture. Nest into safety & comfort & slowness. Especially as Venus, Mercury & the Sun move into Cancer and come through the Neptune square, an extra slow shift allows the mind to defuse all that it's been processing through the emotional body. And the physical body needs time to let all that energy ebb & flow. Gentle yin movements. And remember- Mercury in Cancer does not necessarily have explicit words for what it's feeling. Lean into poetry and speaking with and through the body.

Blessings on the Journey.

Madrona's Pulse Teachings | Astrology for Healing
4 days ago - 260 likes

It's not supposed to make sense. It's not supposed to align to what should be or even what could be. It's supposed to be other realms streaming through with a somewhat dizzying pulse of the life that a version of you once believed in before they told you that was child's play. A past life version of you definitely knew it was real and she or he or they are also here saying:

Let go.
Let go of every neat line and structured plan
Let go of the directions you told yourself were the path to success

Let go and jump head first into the dizzying spin that is literally the mind & body & heart realigning itself with the final degree of all that is. The final exhale of the cosmic mother before the first life of breath in a new dimension begins. There is no going back from Neptune at the final degree shimmering into Venus, Mercury & the Sun. There is not going back because reality is altogether altered.

Some will pretend it didn't happen. Pretend it was 'just a dream' and numb their hearts to the reality that opened to them.
But you will surely not do that.
You will surely let go
and walk out into that glistening new season
by what the cosmic Mother
exhaled into you &
all that is.

May the next five days that carry us into the June Solstice
release what needs to be released
so that a wise child's dreams
the child you once were
may finally come true.

Blessings on the Journey.

Madrona's Pulse Teachings | Astrology for Healing
6 days ago - 188 likes

Today Mercury draws closer to the Sun and tomorrow will conjunct it exactly.
Remember, as the planets draw closer to the Sun, they are invisible to our eyes on earth. They enter a process of merging and we are in process with the archetypes as well. As they re-emerge, the new path opens and we begin to journey forth.

The last Sun-Mercury conjunction was in April in Aries, when Mercury was retrograde. This is a very different conjunction energy as Mercury is direct in Gemini, its home sign! Opportunity abounds for new drives in our own expression & communication. And yet! A few days after the conjunction, Mercury squares Neptune at the final degree of Pisces before entering Cancer. And then our Sun follows as we enter Solstice.

So much is in process right now. Especially around the voice and its connection to conscious awareness. This has been an intense Gemini season and one that could be quite difficult on the mind. Neptune is of another realm and yet if we trust in the process, there is a journey of spiritualization and cleansing going on. Especially if you've been in bits of fog or confusion or not clear about the path forward...insights are coming! Perhaps in the few days between this cazimi & Mercury's square with Neptune. And...insights are already here. However they may be speaking in dream, symbol & synchronicity.

No matter how this season has been finding you, it is important for Gemini to express. Even if it doesn't know what it's expressing. Journaling. Talking with friends, with trees, with loved ones. stream of conscious singing in the car or shower. Whatever moves the voice, when it feels it wants to move, is part of the process.

Blessings on the Journey.

Madrona's Pulse Teachings | Astrology for Healing
1 week ago - 155 likes

Lean into the Sun sextile Chiron today. Venus & Mercury, our Gemini triad, are there too, but the Sun is exact in its sextile to Chiron. Pulling up threads of some of those primal fires we encountered in April. Lean into it because these squares we're moving through this week...well, you could be feeling them. Whether it's a grinding of gears in the mind-body or just a pouring out of exhaustion, there's a lot of wires rewiring themselves as Mars moves on from its square with Pluto and today, Mercury squares Saturn.

Today we try not to bring a controlling mind to what's arising. Mercury in Gemini likes to understand and it can become a bit obsessive in that drive and Saturn puts a stop to it. Saturn is in the process of stationing retrograde, moving so slowing, as we prepare to enter a time or reflection & reconsideration in our Pisces realms. This may not be the time for perfect understanding or planning. It is a time to listen to symbol and dream and feel into what inspires the imagination.

And hopefully what inspires the imagination also inspires healing in those Aries fires.

Later this week, the Gemini triad of Venus, Mercury & the Sun will move into their squares with Neptune at the final degree of Pisces. The dreamscapes of imagination & spirituality continue speaking with us. Hopefully inspiring us to see beyond the limits of our own conditioned minds. To realize there are so many gifts that come when we open to inspiration from beyond and do not fall into an ego believing it is responsible for all our great ideas and plans. Co-creative imagination & spiritualization is the name of the game with these squares with Pisces.

Blessings on the Journey.

Madrona's Pulse Teachings | Astrology for Healing
1 week ago - 144 likes

We are in the Mars square Pluto tension now. And yet as it lessens from this point on, the square between Mercury & Saturn builds.

How have you felt today? Where is the push & pull? What longs to break free?

Honour the process underway. Honour the journey of discovery. Pluto in Aquarius square Mars may very well have deep messages from the Soul that are trying to emerge. How can you relax into letting them emerge?

And as Mercury comes up as the finale of the triad in Gemini squaring Saturn in Pisces, perhaps some lovely messages from the gods will arise. We can certainly ask for them and yet, Saturn in Pisces speaks in a language Mercury in Gemini needs to surrender into. The explicit mind does not reign supreme in Pisces. Let images and symbols, dreams & synchronicities speak as they arise. And if the Mars square Pluto has brought intensity to your body-mind, may those symbols be a much needed salve. Look into the Mystery and let yourself get lost in what you see, for just a little while.

Blessings on the Journey.

Madrona's Pulse Teachings | Astrology for Healing
1 week ago - 174 likes

For the next two days we are in the intensity of the Mars-Pluto square. Our daily drive could certainly come up against- road blocks. Remember those road blocks are of a Soul design. Pluto retrograde in Aquarius is part of a network of meaning that rides through nonlinear timelines & dimensions. It is higher mind insight that is for the next several months assuring us that we do not have it all figured out! There are places to revisit, rework, reconsider. There are places to release attachments. Even if it was a plan or direction or relationship that we did not foresee needing to release.

Mars in Taurus does not usually want to release what it's attached to. It does not want to change its plans. It does not even want to acknowledge all the peripheral moments and realities suggesting it should release. It wants to keep driving forward with its deeply rooted plan. But this square comes just as Mars enters Taurus, supporting this transit from the beginning with release & change so that all that Mars in Taurus determination & rootedness can attach itself to the new plan.

This cosmic conversation occurs while the Sun is still square Saturn. While Mercury is approaching its square. Saturn also speaks of release. Also of release on a Soul level.

Trust in the process unfolding. Trust in the reality that we are not supposed to have everything figured out. Trust in the magic that comes when we allow new paths to emerge that our conscious mind would never have chosen because it was too afraid to enter such an entirely new dimension of experience. Pluto in Aquarius will bring us into new realms, individually & collectively. Today & tomorrow remember that our ego sense of self, even when it's the healthy ego we all need to be in this human plane, it's got nothing on Pluto.

Blessings on the Journey.

Madrona's Pulse Teachings | Astrology for Healing
1 week ago - 141 likes

The busy conversations of this week and next pick up as the Sun follows Venus and squares Saturn today. While Mars is in Taurus now and enters into its square with Pluto.

Mars is VERY different in Taurus than Aries. And the changeover could feel a bit wonky in the body-mind. In Aries, Mars is free and at home in primal fires and there can be confusion as that yang drive shifts to rooted earth. Allow some time for the body-mind to adjust. Noting as the square with Pluto builds...what speaks of freedom? of authenticity? What longing is breaking through?
Come to the body and trace with breath where that longing originates. Is it in the shoulder? the neck? the gut? the hip? Close your eyes and FEEL what is present. What is your body saying?

And all while the Sun squares Saturn in Pisces. Ultimately, going with the flow here wants to win out over any of the mind's plans for what this day is supposed to look like. Let the unplanned flow you into revelations about where your path is heading and perhaps where it is not heading. Let insights emerge through synchronicities, symbols, dreams... Neptune speaks of higher realms and the Gemini minds needs to surrender and receive.

Blessings on the Journey.

Madrona's Pulse Teachings | Astrology for Healing
1 week ago - 141 likes

Venus squares Saturn today as Mars moves through the final degree of Aries before entering Taurus.

Mars in Taurus could be a welcomed shift, a grounding and steadying rhythm to our drive. And yet! The first few days of Mars in Taurus bring its square to Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. These first few days could be...intense. Waves of emotion could rise in the body-mind and we want to witness them and ride along them rather than get lost in them.

This occurring while Saturn squares first Venus and then the Sun. Saturn is also slowing down some of our overdrive Gemini energy. Asking us to pay attention to what's emerging. Do we need to make some changes? Shift perspectives? Let go? Or do we just need to take a Relax back a bit and witness.

See what's emerging for you and trust that there is nothing to push through right now. The shifting Mars square Pluto and the Gemini energy square Saturn, it wants to work its way through us and best not to fight for transiting Pluto & Saturn have got one up on us in the wisdom department! And both conversations- Pluto to Mars and Saturn to Venus- are a bit like the older dog in the dog park looking at the very excited puppy who has yet to learn boundaries and with one short nip- teaching it the ways of the dog world. Pay attention to the elder archetypes, within & without, making themselves known to your excited puppy ways.

Blessings on the Journey.

Madrona's Pulse Teachings | Astrology for Healing
1 week ago - 116 likes

From our Gemini New Moon to Venus, the Sun & Mercury all moving ahead in Gemini and squaring Saturn this week.

It could bring a shift in the Gemini energy, as Saturn is serious as it's slowing down in Pisces and that bone deep wisdom of the elder archetype may have messages for us around our values, purpose and the self perceptions that Mercury in Gemini has been helping to reshape. We're in the line up of square energy now, but it begins with Venus exact tomorrow on the 8th, then the Sun and then Mercury on the 12th.

Each planet then moves on to a sextile with Chiron in Aries. Lots of layering for slow down and potential breakthroughs from that slow down. Saturn could also insert some interruptions or path detours over the next few days. Remember with the square, especially with a Saturn about to station retrograde in Pisces, the wisdom is in slowing down & listening, in refraining from trying to push our way through. And...the messages may not even make complete sense, much to all that Gemini's disappointment. But we can still witness & be with. The momentum keeps moving us through and when we get to Mercury's turn- well then we can ask for some symbols & synchronicities from the messenger of the gods to show us the way.

Blessings on the Journey.