For creative What Ifs, info about new manga/webtoons, and webtoon reactions, click on this link👇
It all started with a single spark and now I'm here!!!
I'm Pyro Prima a Fire Elemental born from the passion and love humans are generating when they talk about their favorite things or beings, now I'm living in this world trying to share my warmth and love for all kinds of Anime series and Games.
The current focus of my channel will be all around Webtoon reactions, but I am cooking something massive for the future!
Milestone List
50 subs: 30.07.2022
100 subs: 19.02.2023
200 subs: 23.05.2023
300: subs: 06.11.2023
400 subs: 11.01.2024
500 subs: 16.07.2024
600 subs: XX.XX.202X