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1 month ago - 36 likes

In only twelve pages, the Sepher Yetzirah reveals volumes of mystery teachings from the Kabbalah. From this work, Theresa Bullard reveals the 32 paths of wisdom as depicted in the Tree of Life and reflected in the true language of the universe — frequency and vibrations. We experience these through sacred sounds, numbers, and letters. We finish season three with a guided meditation that starts with an image of the 231 gates then builds into the cube of creation, connecting you with the divine essence and furthering your attainment of the Adam Kadmon.

1 month ago - 23 likes

Founder of the Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies Robert J. Gilbert, Ph.D., offers his 40 years of insight into mystical truths, exploring four of the most profound secrets of Sacred Geometry.

2 months ago - 18 likes

Exploring the divine language of Sacred Geometry, former USMC instructor and Founder of the Vesica Institute, Robert J. Gilbert, Ph.D., explains how different patterns form the sacred geometry alphabet as blueprints of reality cast from higher dimensions.

2 months ago - 15 likes

What is required of humanity to move into our next steps of balanced evolution? Legendary channeler and author Lee Harris rejoins Regina Meredith to channel the Zs and offer their higher dimensional perspective on how humanity must release base emotions to transcend trials and tribulations. The Z’s share how there are no fixed species, only floating souls, and how our evolution fits into an interwoven cosmic tapestry of our Universe.

2 months ago - 17 likes

Explore the infinite possibilities beyond Earth as experts and experiencers chronicle the Law of One (the Ra Material) and other galactic connections with Bashar and also Pleiadians. From free will to off-world allies, learn how miracles are already taking place among the stars and at home.

2 months ago - 17 likes

What evidence do we have of extraterrestrial social engagements with humanity? Paola Harris recounts her visit to a historic ET contact site where Valiant (Val) Thor, his brother Donn, and the mysterious Jill once attended a lecture by Howard Menger. Harris offers insight on the story of Val Thor and shows rare photographs of the alleged humanoid extraterrestrials.

2 months ago - 12 likes

Author and alchemical artist Marlene Seven Bremner reveals how hermetic philosophy and alchemical principles can help us liberate our authentic, creative selves. Offering her own experiences and expertise, Bremner explains how we can transmute alchemical energies to gain intuition, gnosis (self-knowledge), and creative expression. Explore the complicated yet beautiful symbolism of alchemical art.

2 months ago - 17 likes

Woven into legend and lore, the mysterious origin of our planet’s moon has long been explored by NASA missions and alternative researchers. Since the Younger Dryas, three prevailing mainstream theories have surfaced to explain our moon’s mathematical precision. The satellite’s size and orbit correspond to sacred numbers found in world religions. This episode explores a fourth theory, rooted in ancient mythology: was our moon precisely placed to counteract the effects of the Younger Dryas?

2 months ago - 17 likes

Author Eva Marquez shares how to unlock our cosmic DNA to remember our starseed origins and higher purpose. Marquez explains that this cosmic DNA can awaken our multidimensional consciousness and lost connection to the stars in order for us to find our way back to Source.

2 months ago - 19 likes

Learn why bestselling author Matt Richtel argues that creativity is humanity’s most vital trait. Explore the science, statistics, and technological advancements of how social media can have positive and negative impacts on creativity. From our subconscious biases to conscious creativity, Richtel shares how we can overcome fear of risk to become our most innovative and successful selves.