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Dare to Speak Out Loud! 來自世界各國的怒吼!【We Are Everyone千千萬萬個我】Live Version 反動版Ft. Fans黃明志國際研究中心 #shorts Namewee challenges you to a duet! 新歌來PK!挑戰黃明志《A Song For You寫一首歌給你聼》飆高音!#shorts Back to that time of youth...黃明志Ft.中國神曲製造機 - 高進!寫一首歌給你聽 #shorts 70s and 90s Challenge top spinning! 70後 V.S. 90後之戰!旋轉陀螺誰比較持久?黃明志 Namewee【The Money Game】Ep12 Trailer Who will be tempted by the devil's button?化妝師和車禍幸存者誰會按下惡魔按鈕?【 黃明志Namewee【The Money Game】Ep11 Trailer This 2 Malaysians can’t play badminton?! 竟然有大馬人不會打羽球?! 黃明志 Namewee【The Money Game】Ep10 Trailer Namewee singing on his own coffin 黃明志從棺材爬出來獻唱新歌《當我離開以後 When I'm Gone》#shorts Coffin dancer takes away Namewee.. 黃明志的棺材被黑人抬走了... 祝大家清明節X愚人節快樂! Guess Who is not a girl? 猜猜看哪一位不是女生? Namewee 黃明志【Dannok】 #shorts Namewee met SalamMusik in【Dannok】黃明志馬來語版 unplugged live!#shorts Beware of the LEAVES in Dannok!是幻覺還是...?黃明志飄起來了#shorts Rapper vs Musician! 火藥味極濃! Rapper與音樂人互撕! 黃明志 Namewee【The Money Game】Ep9 Trailer Tragic childhood salesman competes for rent! 悲慘童年失業者贏獎金付房租! 黃明志 Namewee【The Money Game】Ep8 Trailer How to shoot a basketball with 原來漏氣的籃球那麼難投!黃明志 Namewee【The Money Game】Episode7 Trailer President Winnie punishing criminals! 主席发话了!犯了这些"罪"全都罚去种棉花! 【龙的传人 The People Of The Dragon】#shorts Do NOT make Winnie-The-Poo angry... 党中央全数通过! 黄明志受邀担任“龙的传人”宣传大使 #shorts This YouTuber slept with JAV actress? 中指通和AV女優打過炮? 金枪不倒在日本連續進出兩家風俗店?【True Or False 真假你來猜】Ep7 This Taiwanese YouTuber was arrested 4 times? 薔薔加入大型犯罪組織還幫忙"接貨"? 用假鈔還沒被逮捕?【True Or False 真假你來猜】Ep6 I received a mysterious box today... 今天收到一個箱子,一打開看到. #shorts Yumi Wong got a tattoo at somewhere private?! 黃詩棋小時候太窮撿破爛?! 自爆私密部位有紋身?【True Or False 真假你來猜】Ep5 Wang Lei bought a luxury condo in Singapore?! 王雷自爆與太太是奉子成婚?! 辛苦多年終於買下豪華公寓?【True Or False 真假你來猜】Ep4 Jack Lim was a male escort! ?林德榮當過夜店公關因太帥月入過萬?!【True Or False 真假你來猜】Ep3 These are all scams! They stole our photos! 小心別上當!黃明志林德榮暴怒回應盜圖“代言”事件... #shorts Jacky Wu had terminal illness?! 吳宗憲得了絕症?! 還自爆有兩個媽媽?【True Or False 真假你來猜】Ep2 Namewee sexually harassed in school?! 黃明志上學時期被性騷擾?!【True Or False 真假你來猜】Ep1 Cheapest MV ever produced!只花了600台幣?Ai 拍MV到底可不可行? #shorts 10 Men Tiktok Dance Challenge! 十個男人Tiktok網絡尬舞比賽! 【十個男人 10 Men】黃明志 Namewee Ft.陶晶瑩 Matilda Tao #shorts 24 years later, do you still remember this song?【10 Men 十個男人】Namewee 黃明志 Ft. Matilda Tao 陶晶瑩 #shorts Merdeka! This is how Malaysians fought for Independence! Namewee【We Are Everyone】Merdeka Shorts Stand With Ukraine! Say No To War! Namewee【We Are Everyone】Russo-Ukrainian War Shorts Malaysia Stands With Palestine! Malaysians’ journey to democracy! Namewee 黃明志【千千萬萬個我 We Are Everyone】Bersih 淨選盟 Shorts Support Taiwan LGBTQ+ parade! ! Namewee 黃明志【千千萬萬個我 We Are Everyone】台灣同志大遊行 Shorts Let's Help Palestinians! Namewee【We Are Everyone】Like For Donation Event Shorts First Look at Namewee's Fully AI Generated MV? 黃明志全AI生成MV搶先看!【千千萬萬個我 We Are Everyone】AI 版 MV #shorts Namewee Reacts to《Step By Step 慢慢做起來》為何憲哥會被那麼多人罵?一起來看《慢慢做起來》MV底下網友留言... [Midnight Tokok 013] Shorts Namewee reacts to Double Ten Day QnA comments! 回應雙十國慶QnA底下的留言 [Midnight Tokok 012] Shorts Namewee locked-up in jail during CNY?! 黃明志過年被監禁. 胃潰瘍痛死警方不給藥?!【Miserable Contest 比慘大賽】#shorts Jacky Wu V.S. Namewee on their life experiences! 在兇案現場住了45天?!【Miserable Contest 比慘大賽】#shorts 【Movie Recap】How They found the key to success?“一分鐘看完” 黃明志與吳宗憲最新MV解說《慢慢做起來》#shorts DJ-ing for dad's cancer medical bills。夜店DJ幫癌症爸爸籌醫藥費! 黃明志 Namewee【The Money Game】Episode6 Trailer They Needed 300kg Food Per Day! 向黃明志求救狗場女主現身!一天需要300公斤食物!黃明志 Namewee【The Money Game】Episode5 Trailer Kind people are often deceived!家人賭博欠下十萬馬幣。一天只吃一餐還債。黃明志 Namewee【The Money Game】Episode4 Trailer Namewee Encounter Scary Moments On Shoot! 拍攝現場遇車禍?!【Foggy Night 夜霧】黃明志 #shorts Do You Remember These Innocent Soul?你是否還記得這些相片裡的人背後的故事... 【Foggy Night 夜霧】Namewee 黃明志 #shorts In RM20000 Card Debt Due To Entertainment!改車吃喝玩樂到變卡奴?! 黃明志 Namewee【The Money Game】Episode3 Trailer Direct Salesman forced into bankruptcy!加入直銷公司貸款囤貨囤到破產! 黃明志 Namewee【The Money Game】Episode2 Trailer Working Without Salary For 2 Years 工作兩年薪水拿不到?黃明志 Namewee【The Money Game】Episode1 Trailer