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Kevin Chavis

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Kevin Chavis
7 months ago - 0 likes

If only more countries could be like this South African UN representative, we'd be in a post-colonial world that upholds human rights.

Kevin Chavis
8 months ago - 0 likes

This is a remarkable conversation and feel like it is only the start of an intellectual discussion between adherents of modern Christianity and Islam. Something that went unanswered was how amazing the Quran is even beyond Dr. Shabir Ally's pointing out of the number 19. The beauty of the Quran is also that it is in Arabic at the most perfect time. The Quran has not only been preserved on paper but also through literal recitation, which is what Angel Gabriel told Prophet Mohammed PBUH - to "Recite!!" In our five daily prayers, Muslims recite the Surah al-Fatiha, the first chapter of the Quran. Then in at least two parts of our prayers, we must recite an additional part of the Quran we remember. This helps us complete one of the daily pillars or to pray daily. The entire Quran is also recited each and every year during Ramadan. I do not know how this could be a secret, the reading of the entire Quran with a section each day during Ramadan. This has been done since the time of the Prophet PBUH.

What is also not said is why the Quran was not only revealed to the Arabs. Initially, the Prophet PBUH thought that this was who he was the prophet for. God has sent down prophets to all of humanity. Most of these prophets were sent to a specific tribe of people. As the Quran states, most of these 124,000 prophets were murdered almost instantly by their people. Humanity from the first prophet Adam, has been trying to listen to the will of God.

I do not wish to argue between which is better Christianity or Islam, as that is between you and God. I can only say that for me Islam makes sense. I left Christianity because in the USA it is not working to make the world better and is not based on the logical morality I see within the Quran. In the Quran I see wisdom that is applicable to every age of humanity, including today's. I appreciate the goal of a Muslim Ummah that transcends race, ethnicities, nations, and other man-made systems used to divide us, rather than we learn from each other. To submit to the will of God is the goal of Islam and that should be the path we are all on - and we should all be doing the best to do this each day, so that our best days in this world are our last days.

Kevin Chavis
1 year ago - 0 likes

Saint Paul (55130) is featured!

Kevin Chavis
1 year ago - 0 likes

This is a very good approach to Islam and is stated succinctly while pointing out important details for those seeking to understand why this approach is chosen.

Having grown up with a Christian background, I find it interesting how the Gospels are similar to the Hadith, both written by those around their respective Prophets. While both the Gospels and Hadith provide insight into the lives and teachings of their respective Prophets, the nature, compilation, and role of these texts within their respective religious traditions are notably different.