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Hammerson Peters

125K subscribers - no pronouns set

I'm a Western Canadian writer, carver, and fiddler with a pa

Hammerson Peters
10 months ago - 365 likes

A place to discuss my most recent video, for which YouTube has disabled comments. Please remember that YouTube automatically deletes comments it regards "offensive", and word your comment accordingly.

Hammerson Peters
1 year ago - 255 likes

I’m honoured to be associated with this fantastic publication. Thank you to Lee Harding for writing this piece.…

Hammerson Peters
2 years ago - 33 likes

Is the NHL (National Hockey League) conspiring against Canadian teams?

Hammerson Peters
2 years ago - 87 likes

My friend, Missy Sterling, did me the honour of inviting me to write the Forward for her first book, in which she chronicles her resolute efforts to make sense of a strange experience she endured on the state line between Mississippi and Alabama. If you’d like to listen to a reading of this Forward, please check out the link below.

Hammerson Peters
2 years ago - 154 likes

'Mysteries of Canada: Volume II' is now available in audiobook format on Audible. If you're interested in listening, please check out the link below:

For Americans:…

For Canadians:…

For Britons:…

For Australians:…

Hammerson Peters
2 years ago - 177 likes

The scariest video I've ever made:…

Hammerson Peters
2 years ago - 105 likes

Here is a very well-made podcast episode by the @BeliefHolePodcast on the legends of the #NahanniValley , with spectacular audio effects and fantastic background animation.

Hammerson Peters
2 years ago - 161 likes

Two very good friends of mine have just started their own YouTube channels. One is my friend Tom, a fantastic artist whose illustrations feature in my last video on the Wendigo legend. The other is my friend Kevin, an excellent researcher with a special interest in the Thunderbird legend. They are both great guys, and I know they're going to produce some great videos. If you have a chance, I would really appreciate it if you popped over to their channels and showed them a little love. They are:

(Kevin's channel) -

(Tom's channel) -

Hammerson Peters
2 years ago - 36 likes

My 50,000 subscriber giveaway contest ends tonight. There are 11 hours left to enter to win one of the four prizes I'm giving away. Please see the video below for details.

UPDATE: Congratulations to winners John B., Nicole N., Matthew D., and Donny K.!

Hammerson Peters
2 years ago - 76 likes

Here's another good overview of the Nahanni legends, this one by @MrBallen . This recent wave of retellings reminds me of something the late Canadian historian and media personality Pierre Berton said on radio in 1947: "To me, the Nahanni is a great example of folklore in the making. Trappers and Indians and prospectors and writers like myself have all been spreading these tales and laying them on a little thicker as each year goes by. That's the way fairy tales grow, you know." If you'd like to learn more about the history and folklore surrounding this mysterious region, please check out my 2018 book 'Legends of the Nahanni Valley':