Hello friends, Welcome
I created this channel on ''Jul 31, 2021''.I am Mahdi Bangla Gamer (MBG) gamer.This is my YouTube channel. Here you will find funny gaming videos.
I like to play games :(GTA5, FREE FIRE, FARLIGHT84, COC, AND GTA RP).
Upload 2 to 3 videos a week on this channel. I hope you will like it. So, come to my channel without delay watch the video and please subscribe. And if you like the video, please like and share it. And yes, I have a Facebook page, you must see it below. A Facebook page link is given.
I play Free Fire on mobile because I am an old player of Free Fire and I can not play Free Fire on PC. And play all the games on PC.
The requirement of my PC is --------------------
#. Core-i5 , jen6
#. Madarboard- ROG STRIX B250F GAMING
#. Graphic card----AMD 580
#. 16gb ram
#. Facebook page link--- www.facebook.com/banglagamer1999
#. Discord server link---- discord.gg/dT67khjN
This is my description box, thanks for visiting