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Vishuddha Das

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Sharing Non-Dual Guidance (Advaita Vedanta) through videos,

Vishuddha Das
3 months ago - 72 likes

My next retreat will taking place this August and is our most affordable ever 🙏 Click below for details and to reserve your spot if you feel called to visit India for a week of meditation, exploration & philosophy. I hope to see you there.…

Vishuddha Das
1 year ago - 911 likes

A few years ago in India, a crazy man spit in my face. I had just experienced two weeks at the Kumbh Mela surrounded by holy men, an amazing devotees, when i decided to walk back to my hotel a few miles away.

But on that walk home instead of feeling thankful, I was in my ego. I was basking in my own pride for being there, rather than being grateful it was happening. And as I rounded a corner I could see a few blocks up what looked like a drunkard flailing around the road back and forth. But I paid it no mind. After all I was focused on patting myself on the back. But after a few minutes he neared, and I knew we were going to cross paths, so I tried to ignore him and walk past quickly, but instead of this happening, he strolled directly towards me and spit in my face. Not on accident, but intentionally.

And after just a few seconds of disbelief, as he clambered away without even a second glance back at me, I couldn't help but laugh! To me it was God saying, you fool! This isn't about you. This place, this festival isn't about YOU. Wake up! Who was I to judge this man as 'crazy'? Who was I to take pride in being at a festival which, at it's core was a gathering of souls who want to devote themselves to a life beyond pride?

It was the lesson I needed. And the whole walk back to my hotel all I could do was laugh, and feel grateful.

Vishuddha Das
2 years ago - 1.5K likes

Do you agree or disagree?

Vishuddha Das
2 years ago - 832 likes

The journey of becoming father starts next year! 🙏 I'm so happy to share this news with you all, if you missed my last video, feel free to check it out, where I talk more about it. Love you all!

Vishuddha Das
4 years ago - 1.2K likes

solidarity forever. we are one family. when one of us is hurt, we must do what we can to support the other until they are healed. without working together, we all fall. love thy neighbor! and support those who are systematically oppressed. #blacklivesmatter

Vishuddha Das
4 years ago - 2K likes

if you have the chance to speak up for those who've been silenced, do it. 👊 because if you don't, history will remember

Vishuddha Das
4 years ago - 1.1K likes

anyone else pretend their life is a 'video game' 🎮 and that each day is a new 'mission' in that game? 😅 it really helps!

Vishuddha Das
4 years ago - 859 likes

been up north helping family but now I'm back on the road, living rurally up in the PNW and editing SO many videos! Stay tuned for some crazy topics

Vishuddha Das
4 years ago - 726 likes

Global Meditation Time 🔥 I'm in the desert or else I would live stream but such is life! Love you all and I hope you deeply enjoy your meditation! Ram Ram

Vishuddha Das
4 years ago - 1.5K likes

I hope you all have a PEACEful day 😏💚