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125 subscribers - no pronouns :c

I am transgender male and abrosexuall my name is Clyde I am

#lgbtiq #tattoos I may only have two but I love them both. I’m gonna get some more  eventually  #lgbtgamer #minecraft I love Minecraft so fucking much#lgbtcommunity I LOVE MINECRAFT #lgbtgamer #minecraft #lgbtiq #transpride #lgbtgamer #lokiedits #Marvel  @ail_robotnik #transpride #lgbtgamer #streamer you should all go follow her she’s amazing  Dyed my hair neon green what do you guys think? #dyingmyhair  Rate these outfits out of 10 #gta5online #lgbtqia #transpride #lgbtgamer #stopanimalabuse #lgbtgamer #transpride I love rock music 🎧 Me and my best friend #transpride #lgbtqia I still miss him #technobladeneverdies build this on Minecraft Xbox bedrock edition  My new loungefly Michael Myers it was supposed to be £90 but I got it on sale for 65. I’m obsessed #transpride #lgbtgamer #abrosexal yes this is my sexuality yes it is a real thing #transpride #lgbtgamer dysphoria is extremely hard to deal with  This is my voice pre-T didn’t #transpride show my face or anything because I felt dysphoric  #mha #myheroacademiaedits #spoilers I’m so sorry Backgou 😭😭😭😭 #transpride #lgbtgamer Yes this is me I’m not going to change This world is so fucked up  Get deleted #forniteclips #lgbtgamer 😂😂😂 To the people that we have lost rip#transpride For the trans and LGBTQ people in America, I’m in and you have my full support. I’m from the UK I love my best friends she means everything to me she is straight she was at mine that was my pride #transpride #abrosexually #lgbtqia #paranormal #samandcolbyreaction I was stood 10 to 15 m away from the door. Nobody was with me  #samandcolbyreaction omg I can’t believe I could this on camera #transpride I am just me let me be me To my dad I am a guy my pronouns are he/him @mrblabasmr thank you . You have help me though so much stuff I appreciate you thank you ☺️ 💚 #funny #animals #sound  Didn’t know whether to post this because I didn’t know if it was disrespectful #technobladeneverdie #hazbinhotel #transpride Loki 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 #hazbinhotel Adam plushy cosplay coming soon My new obsession #transpride it’s me. How are y’all doing today? It’s my personality in a nutshell #ftmtransgender #lgbtqia #edit #transpride Listen, my favourite song start to finish this is my ranked list What is your favourite? Hazbin song 9 July 2024 We miss you, King happy birthday techno blade rip #technobladeneverdie Sundland pride singers #lgbtqiapride Sunderland pride event actor/singer on stage he was amazing Sam and Colby edit love these two #samandcolbyfam This is some stuff that needs to be said so sorry this offends anybody but it’s just my opinion I love these three people helped me through a lot. I doubt they would never see this