We bought Narrowboat Liberty - a 55’ 2004 narrowboat - in 2021 as our home. She represented affordable living for us.
Narrowboat Liberty is a chance to do something different while we still have the will, health and good humour to do it, plus most of our teeth. We faced the prospect of growing old as the world passed us by. That wasn’t for us! WE wanted to be the ones passing by, enjoying the scenery and history of Britain.
So, here we are, two ‘continuous cruisers’ and our coydog Tilly. This is our life, warts and all!
Join us on our travels - who knows, perhaps narrowboat life is for you, too?
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NarrowboatLiberty
Twitter: www.twitter.com/NBLiberty1
Instagram: www.instagram.com/narrowboat_liberty
Buy Tilly a treat at: www.buymeacoffee.com/TreatForTilly
Our Merchandise Store: nbliberty.etsy.com