iN.sight was born out of me having too many "D*mn I wish I had already known that." moments and too many expensive lessons! So after I finished my PhD I decided that I would create something or things to help others avoid the pitfalls that I had to encounter. Information is pivotal to succeeding in life, a specific part of many individuals lives in which that resource is especially pivotal is their college years.
The "in" in iN.sight is for information, the core foundation of this initiative. I chose the name iN.sight because the phrase/word was perfect for what I want to accomplish; to share insight to individuals about college and careers, to incite one to take action to move their life in a positive direction, and to help people see that their dreams are in sight and that they can achieve them with help and hard work.
And that's what iN.sight is all about! I hope that you enjoy!