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I create guides and provide commentary on Star Citizen. I al

1 month ago - 1 likes

Hey guys,

We could really use your help with getting a bug fixed in Star Citizen. Basically, recoil is "not working" as intended and the video I am attaching gives you an example. Basically what happens is you are unable to PULL DOWN on the weapon and get the recoil adjusted to stay on target. If you guys can test, replicate, and then provide feedback on the issue council for this it would be really helpful. The upvotes are good too. But be helpful! Don't just spam. Here is a link to the issue council thread too.…

You will have to sign into your RSI account to use this. But any attention we bring to this bug is VERY HELPFUL. And, if you can REPRODUCE IT and SUBMIT YOUR OWN FOOTAGE it is even MORE HELPFUL.

Thanks again!

1 month ago - 81 likes

You guys like playing Bingo? Here is a card I made you can use on Spectrum!

2 months ago - 76 likes

I have a new quick guide coming today and some others in the works. Once I complete the series and feel like I've fully tested and refined everything down to a science, I *might* do an "ultimate" compilation with updated footage, info, and explanations. It aims to be the perfect new player starter guide that gets everyone on their feet with all the necessary tips and tricks. It may even help some vets out. We will see how close we are to 4.0 by the time we get to that though.

Thanks for everything, guys! The channel is growing nicely, and I'm always happy to help.

2 months ago - 52 likes

A wipe has been confirmed for 3.23 on SCL. There was no clickbait in my most recent video. :) With this comes the return of review and guide content, and I promise they will be as short as possible. Be warned though, a lot of the balance is in flux, so I am 50/50 on reviewing ships in their current unbalanced state for master modes. We will see though.

And of course, a new keybinds guide will be available.

2 months ago - 31 likes

I made a pretty important thread on feedback I would love for you guys to visit and comment on. Agree or disagree? That is totally fine. SC FPS is suffering and it needs our feedback. I would love to see yours in that thread. Here is the link to it.…

2 months ago - 61 likes

So if I had to modify scope glint to be better, more balanced, and more interesting for everyone involved. This is what it would look like. What do you guys think? Too little? I am being generous here.

3 months ago - 77 likes

Two things: Firstly, I plan to start a monthly podcast with a former PlanetSide 2 developer, a close friend, and an active Star Citizen player within a week or so. It'll be a new venture, but he and I tend to have in-depth discussions about SC almost nightly. We don't always agree, so I think it might be fun for you guys to listen to what we have to say. At the very least, it may be interesting, or worth your comment and calling us stupid.

Secondly, ‪@Ver9jl‬ did a good reaction video to one of my older videos about PvP/PvE. He also offered some insightful commentary that I hadn't considered. It's always valuable to have two minds with somewhat different, yet similar views on games, bouncing ideas around. I strongly recommend you guys go over and give it a listen. I just finished enjoying it at work and left him a comment.

Actually, his reactions, in general, are really good, even the ones I don't agree with. I don't think there are any yet, but when there are, and I'm sure it will be about those LIGHT FIGHTERS, I'll inevitably disagree. ;)

4 months ago - 54 likes

I was asked by numerous users in the comments of my review video to share it on Spectrum for CIG to see. I usually don't like to do this since self-promotion is something I am never too terribly comfortable with, but considering the number of viewers who asked, I decided to take the risk and do it. Here is a link to the thread:…

Add your feedback, experiences, and general opinions there. Agree or disagree? That is fine. No echo chambers on this YouTube channel. I think we're at a pretty important impasse here, and CIG needs all the feedback they can get. If my small channel and its very loyal, intelligent viewers can have their voices heard through me, I am all for it. Just be nice in the thread and don't get too worked up over Spectrum trolls.

4 months ago - 75 likes

Just a quick channel update, guys.

I'm sure everyone, myself included, has a little bit of master modes fatigue. I do not want to overdo it and focus on this way too much. So, the next video will not be pertaining to master modes specifically but analyzing the "interceptor" and what it actually represents in gameplay terms. Not that it is overpowered or underpowered, but why its traits are desired for Star Citizen and the way it currently plays.

I'd also like to apologize for the brief spam some of you received today when I accidentally uploaded and published a video I did not mean to make public. It was only up for about 10 seconds, but that was meant to be a silly short that got sent to post instead of draft. YouTube is still something that is very new to me, and a gentleman named Kimsemus plays a huge role in helping me with my channel. I made a mistake and thought I was smart enough to do it on my own and proved that I am, in fact, a dummy. So that won't happen again!

Finally, I know some people have asked about guides and reviews - Those are on hold until 3.23.0 or until everything is updated to the master modes standard. Doing reviews now would be a waste of both my time and yours since so much is in flux. I also wouldn't mind dipping back into the FPS content, but I have the same philosophy on that as I do with the ships: need to wait for a somewhat "final" version before I do my deep dives. But when I do, I promise they will be good and full of relevant information without the fluff.

Big thanks to all of you guys here. I'm working on getting better at things here and keeping interesting content coming. And I surely do not want to overdo the content in terms of master modes when SC has so many other things worth talking about.

5 months ago - 17 likes

On the heels of my video on the topic, what armor type do you prefer to use in Star Citizen and why?