Francesco Ammendola aka Tank J was born in Vico Equense (Italy) in the province of Naples, on 22/04/1984. At age 15 for his birthday he receives a pair of Technics turntables 33-45 laps and from that moment began to appear in the world of music and clubbing, and began collaborating with various artists of national reputation, participating in local radio programs of their city. Family members are not enthusiastic about everything because they know that his talent is singing, so much so that his father is proud to accompany him to do this show anywhere in the song, but the passion for the Music Club is much larger than the song to him, to the point that he decides to transfer to Germany at age 25 and decides them to start composing music club. Tank J today is working for a future project as a songwriter which will combine his music and his voice with Urban-Reggaeton rhythm and its name today in the musical world is FRANZISKUS THE BOSS