Adjectives are fun, and if there's ever anything you should expect from this channel, it's favorites.
I am ALLOS (Aperture Science), of the Steam Community! Also known as Anachronistic ALLOS. There are morely more antagonistic blokes out there than me.
Do people still remember when channels had comments sections? ALLOSridge Farm remembers.
I am a brony. *puts sunglasses on* Deal with it. Why? Here's why; it's a quality cartoon. Most other cartoons I see this day are garbage. This one, though? MLP? It remains very good among the set of cartoons that still remain good to this day. Great animation, spectacular voice acting, and it really helps you when you're down in the dumps. May Gen4 rest in peace. ...also, the term 'brony' is a bit tacky, anyways.
(Also, some of the newer cartoons these days are quite demented, and PhantomStrider can back me up on that)
Also, yes, my channel banner is a Half-Life 2-based recreation of The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci.