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The Catholic Corner

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- Viva Cristo Rey - The Catholic Corner is where every Cath

The Catholic Corner
1 month ago - 5 likes

The Catholic Corner
1 month ago - 2 likes

What some people don’t understand is the devil fears God, but he absolutely hates The Blessed Mother.

Why you may ask?

Because Satan cannot stand that a mere young human-girl was chosen to be the Mother of God, and ranks a high decree in Heaven over him.

He cannot stand the power God has granted her through her intercession and graces.

The devil hates her because of her purity, humility, and obedience to God - everything Satan lacks in.

The power God has granted her, she should be feared by all evil.

Never be afraid to approach Mary with love and devotion. You do not replace her with God, but she brings us to Him. Her goal is to always bring us to her Son, but in the process, to love us as well. Why deny her love??

God’s Mother should always be honored and respected.

O' Blessed Lady and Mother to the Son of God, pray for us!

The Catholic Corner
2 months ago - 3 likes

Happy Feast Day of St. Theodore of Sykeon

Patron saint of difficult marriages; invoked for or against rain.

The Catholic Corner
4 months ago - 2 likes

The Catholic Corner
4 months ago - 0 likes

The Catholic Corner
4 months ago - 3 likes

There have been accounts of Satan revealing in exorcisms that he cannot stand those who are devoted to the Rosary. Even the sound of Rosary beads drives him crazy!

Satan has also revealed that those who devoutly say the Rosary, he cannot enter into their homes…

Say the Rosary daily! Ask Our Lady for her intercession, she will guide and protect you. ♥️

The Catholic Corner
4 months ago - 2 likes

The Catholic Corner
5 months ago - 3 likes

Saint Adrian of Canterbury’s Story

Though Saint Adrian turned down a papal request to become Archbishop of Canterbury, England, Pope Saint Vitalian accepted the rejection on the condition that Adrian serve as the Holy Father’s assistant and adviser. Adrian accepted, but ended up spending most of his life and doing most of his work in Canterbury.

Born in Africa, Adrian was serving as an abbot in Italy when the new Archbishop of Canterbury appointed him abbot of the monastery of Saints Peter and Paul in Canterbury. Thanks to his leadership skills, the facility became one of the most important centers of learning. The school attracted many outstanding scholars from far and wide and produced numerous future bishops and archbishops. Students reportedly learned Greek and Latin and spoke Latin as well as their own native languages.

Adrian taught at the school for 40 years. He died there, probably in the year 710, and was buried in the monastery. Several hundred years later, when reconstruction was being done, Adrian’s body was discovered in an incorrupt state. As word spread, people flocked to his tomb, which became famous for miracles. Rumor had it that young schoolboys in trouble with their masters made regular visits there. (Context from

The Catholic Corner
5 months ago - 6 likes

The Catholic Corner
5 months ago - 0 likes