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Laurel Portié

6.8K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Used $5 ads to grow my consulting business to $3M and wrote

SHOW UP EVERY DAY AND SOLVE A PROBLEM BEGINNGERS! START HERE. CONTENT AND ADS ARE THE SAME THING BE WEIRD, IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. REVIVING THE DEAD WEBINAR Being Lazy Is Such A Hack DAILY SPEND VS. TOTAL SPEND: HOW FB IS SPREADING OUT YOUR AD DOLLARS If I had to start over, this is what I'd do... HERE'S THE SECRET TO WRITING GOOD AD COPY ALWAYS START WITH LASER TARGETING THIS IS THE NEW WAY TO SELL IN 2024 What's In It For Them? Nobody wants to do this, but it's such a BIG deal. WHY I WORK FOR MILLIONAIRES FOR FREE MOST BUSINESS OWNERS CANT DO THIS My pal Sam just BLEW MY MIND with this Twitter strategy... I didn't even knew this existed 4 THINGS I DO TO CRUSH THE COMPETITION If you can't answer THIS question, you're doing it wrong. How I'd Spend 5$/Day TODAY 90% OF PEOPLE ARE USING THE WRONG FUNNEL A lot of people are confused as to what my $5 strategy ACTUALLY is... MOVING THE NEEDLE IS PRIORITY 1 Remember when errrrrbody poo poo'd my $5 ad strategy? Here's what didn't make sense to me. Here's how LOCAL BUSINESSES can CRUSH with my $5 ad strategy. I do things differently, and there's a good reason for it Sharing my CHEAT CODE Don’t let learned helplessness be an excuse. Why Experienced Speakers STRUGGLE With Ads Steal My Ad Strategy PUT IN THE WORK Why most of you guys aren't getting anything done :/ 1000 People Added To My $ Group ...With NO ADS. Here's why I no longer need to take sales calls anymore ... The tiny details MATTER What is the benefit of the benefit of the feature? This Facebook Ads Hack Is GOLDEN STOP Leaving Money On The Table STOP WASTING YOUR TIME DOING THINGS THAT DONT MATTER!! 2-Ways To Launch Ads Using My Content Flywheel This is the POWER move Never Run Out Of Content To Post - PROMISE! THIS Is Why You're Not Getting New Clients This default setting might be ruining your ads! Spending $5 on an ad made this client $$$$$ Maximizing Your ROI This Mistake Is Costing You $$$ The hard truth about getting clients in 2024 Need clients? Don’t do this.