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Contractor Fight TV

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Grow your contracting business! Whether you're a new contr

Contractor Fight TV
2 weeks ago - 6 likes

Iā€™m getting raw with you today.

Iā€™m sharing a video with you about the time I felt like a total piece of shit fraud.

Not because I felt like airing my dirty laundry.

But because maybe youā€™ve been there, too.

You know you do a great job for your customers.

You run a decent business.

But you arenā€™t taking home anywhere close to enough money to give yourself and your family the life you deserve.

If youā€™re NOT making $200k yet, this videoā€™s for you.

Itā€™s completely free. All you have to do is enter your name and email, and youā€™ll get access to all 4 videos in the series as they go live.

Go here and sign up to watch the first video -->

When you watch, youā€™ll see I ask you to leave a comment.

Iā€™ll be looking for your answer.

Get in. Take action.

Itā€™s time to start making the money you deserve.


Contractor Fight TV
2 months ago - 21 likes

Fishing in the wrong pond sucks.

āž”ļøSales is all about targeting. But most folks overlook how crucial it is to pick the right prospects. Itā€™s not about casting wider nets; itā€™s about casting smarter.
The right prospect? Thatā€™s your game-changer. Itā€™s quality over quantity, every time. And hereā€™s the kicker: targeting right also saves your sanity. Less wasted time, more real connections.

āž”ļøConnections break ceilings.
In sales, trust is everything. No trust, no deals. But with trust? Magic.
Whenā€™s the last time you bought from someone you didnā€™t trust? Probably never. We crave connection, people who get us.
Sales? Itā€™s about relationships. Seeing the person, not just the sale. When folks feel valued, they become fans.

āž”ļøEver tried selling ice to an Eskimo? Itā€™s not about the pitch; itā€™s knowing if they even need your ice.

Pre-qualifying isnā€™t just a step; itā€™s the gateway to meaningful conversations. Imagine knowing exactly what your prospect needs before the real pitch. Itā€™s like having the answers before the test.

Then thereā€™s role-playing. Itā€™s not just for actors. As salespeople, itā€™s our rehearsal for the game time. Every objection handled in practice is one less hurdle in the game. Role-playing sharpens your reflexes, making you agile in the face of real-time objections. Itā€™s the closest you get to a sales simulation, where every mistake is a lesson, not a lost sale.

In essence, pre-qualifying saves time, and role-playing saves deals. Together, theyā€™re the one-two punch every salesperson needs in their arsenal.

āž”ļøSurvival is key.

Sales, like the wild, demands strategy and relentless pursuit. Itā€™s about targeting right, understanding needs, and staying proactive.

Successful hunters build ecosystems, not just close deals. Ethics, sustainability, and relationships are crucial.

Ready to thrive in the business jungle? Hunt daily.šŸ‘ŠšŸ»

Contractor Fight TV
3 months ago - 27 likes

Join me on Facebook tonight at 7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific for a no-BS Livestream, Break the Busy/Broke Cycle: Add more profit days in 2024. I'm gonna cut through the fluff and get down to what REALLY matters: making BANK in your business!

If you're sick of the endless grind with nothing to show for it, I'll lay out some hardcore strategies to BOOST your profits, CRUSH expenses, and DOMINATE your market. Make 2024 the year to level up, hustle harder, and make those profit margins EXPLODE! Don't settle for mediocrity. Join us, and let's MAKE IT RAIN!

See you tonight, ready to claim what's yours!

This event will be live exclusively in our Facebook group.
Request access

Contractor Fight TV
3 months ago - 24 likes

Someone sent me this interaction they had with a prospectā€¦How would you have responded?

Contractor Fight TV
3 months ago - 11 likes

Grab a call with the team and letā€™s see if we can help youā€¦šŸ‘‡šŸ¼

Contractor Fight TV
3 months ago - 16 likes

You have what it takes.

Regardless of your past.
No matter your current circumstances.
Despite what may hit you tomorrow.

You have what it takes to take your next step toward your success. šŸ‘Š

Contractor Fight TV
3 months ago - 15 likes

Nail Your Numbers

Coming Monday, March 4th

Contractor Fight TV
4 months ago - 18 likes

If You Donā€™t Fire Them, You Will Hate Yourself Later

Many years ago I was being held hostage.

My former business partner was right by my side during our two year stint as hostages. We had done what so many well-meaning business owners doā€¦ we gave away all of our power to toxic employees because we were afraid to lose them.

At the time, we co-owned a painting company that did hundreds of projects a year. There was a never-ending pressure to hit deadlines and keep the money machine moving. To do this we swept many things under the rug in hopes that theyā€™d resolve themselves.

ā€œIā€™m not working with Joe. Iā€™ll only work on Samā€™s crew,ā€ one of them would say.

ā€œIf you want me to stay here I need another $1 raise. You need me,ā€ another would threaten.

I could share dozens of stories of how we caved to their every demand because we allowed fear to dictate how weā€™d show up.

After a couple years of negotiating with terrorists everything came to head and forever changed.

We had twelve full time employees working for us at the time. A few of them, five to be exact were amazing. The other seven were the ones causing issues and hurting the culture overall.

I showed up to a job site that everyone happened to be working on that Monday and one of my crew leaders pulled me aside and shared a concern. ā€œCarlos was a pain in the butt Saturday on the Smith job. I asked him to grab a work light so he could see what he was doing and he refused.ā€ My Crew Leader went on to share how he tried to reason with Carlos and make the case for why it was important to be able to see what he was doing so that the quality standard was met. Carlos was having none of it.

I listened and then called for Carlos to come outside. I asked him what the issue was on Saturday and he said ā€œIf you want me to listen to him you need to pay me more.ā€

I told Carlos to get his things and leave and that he didnā€™t have a job here anymore. He then went into the house and got his things.

Thatā€™s when things got crazy. Another guy came out with him and said ā€œIf you fire him Iā€™m going to quit.ā€ I said he didnā€™t need to quit and I fired him too.

Over the next twenty minutes another five people were fired. They all tried to go to bat for the other ones that were fired before them. I let go of the seven employees that had been holding us hostage for two years.

I gathered the remaining five teammates and thanked them for being good people. I then gave them all a significant raise. After this, I called my partner and said I had some good news and some bad news.

He said ā€œGive me the good news!ā€

ā€œIā€™ve taken back control of our company,ā€ I shot back.

I finished with ā€œThe bad news is I fired seven of our twelve employees.ā€

I have a few lessons I learned from this that I want to share with you. Before I do that, itā€™s important to share the results of the pruning.

First, morale increased immediately. The right five people had more bounce in their step and didnā€™t feel like they had to walk around on eggshells for fear of the wrath of the wrong severn. Next, our production went through the roof. With the entitled ones gone the remaining five employees produced more work that the whole team of twelve did. We had less callbacks. Quality improved. Profits soared immediately. Finally, we had a strong foundation of high-charactered individuals to build on. This would prove crucial as we faced the Great Recession in 2008.

Looking back, there were a few lessons I learned and hope to share with you.

1. Never give power away in your company. I gave mine away because I was insecure. I was insecure because I didnā€™t work on developing a stronger me.
2. Never allow fear to guide the decisions you need to make as a leader. We held on to the wrong people and lived in stress for two years.
3. Create and live by your non-negotiable standards/values in your company. Talk about them. Model them. Donā€™t tolerate anything or anyone that doesnā€™t fit with who you choose to be as a company.
4. When you first think ā€œI should fire that person,ā€ you should fire that person.

Itā€™s challenging leading an organization, regardless of the industry or the size. Every day brings new adventures and issues! The greatest lesson Iā€™ve learned is that people are everything and they deserve to have someone serve and lead them with excellence. That requires looking in the mirror, owning my crap and making the needed changes so I can show up better for them and their people at home.

Take action each day to become a stronger and more caring leader.

Contractor Fight TV
4 months ago - 20 likes

A Simple Contractor Success Plan

Contractor Fight TV
4 months ago - 48 likes

Coming Spring 2024šŸ‘ŠšŸ»